Author Topic: Help! He keeps wandering off :(  (Read 3859 times)

Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2008, 00:38:25 AM »
Thank you guys, yes it was a relief. But that little guy has his own scheduele and really hard to keep indoors if he doesnt want to. He WILL destroy the house until I open his flap. Any hour of the day. I guess I could slowly start getting a rota system to keep him in at night. Only problem is the litter tray as he doesn't like using one. Worth a try though.
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Offline blackcat

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2008, 18:57:11 PM »
horrid little so and so! I hope you at least shut his access to the outdoors before returning to bed ... Nice to be able to play bedmice with him though, even at that ungodly hour ...

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2008, 17:49:20 PM »
Little so and so, very glad he is home you must be relieved.

Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2008, 12:55:32 PM »
So.. I had to leave the house at 8.30pm last night - no signs of Jamie. I re-filled his food bowl so that I would see any signs if he had been back or not. Got home at 1am. No Jameson. BUT the food bowl had been moved and bisquits eaten! I woke up again at 5am to check the house - no Jameson!! Then at 7am, I walked through the lounge and saw his gorgeous little head popping up from the sofa!!!! He rolled around on his back and started wiggling around with his paws in the air (something he does when he is excited and comfy), and purring louder than a tractor! I was so happy and relieved - there is no way I could be mad at him!!!! I gave him breakfast and went back to the bed, and within short had a very playful cat fighting the blinds and removing contents of our bookcases. I just enjoyed the mayhem and pleased he was back. No idea where he had been either!
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Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2008, 20:23:57 PM »
It is such a worry, I do hope Jameson comes home soon.  :hug:

Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2008, 19:32:48 PM »
Thanks Blackcat, I hope so... I have this little idea in my head, that whenever he stays out longer than usual he is actually at some retired lady or gentlemans house being fussed over, fed and looked after. The reality is that I have no idea, but this thought feels good and makes me worry less. So yeah, right now, in my mind, he is stretched out infront of a warm fireplace, with a bowl of treats next to him and a nice lady giving him pats  :Luv2:
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Offline blackcat

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2008, 19:21:23 PM »
maybe he went calling at his friend's place and they didn't notice him there and went out? Sofie did this to me once, wandered into the house up the back, they went out and madam made herself at home in the middle of their bed ...

Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2008, 19:19:18 PM »
This is the first time I have felt real worry about Jameson. He has been gone since early morning - 14 hours. Normally I don't let the worry get to me, but for some reason I am feeling a bit strange about it today. He has been gone for longer before, and especially so when the weather is good. I came home at 6pm and realised he hadn't been back to eat - not even his breakfast. He has either caught a tasty mouse or bird, or being fed elsewhere... I don't dread to think he has wandered off for good or that something terrible has happened but being the loving cat mother I am, the thought has obviously crossed my mind. I just hope he will be back real soon.
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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2008, 00:27:36 AM »
If you put on the collar or mention on your leaflets he is on medication that's why you dont want him fed people are more likely to take notice also!  ;)

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2008, 23:09:38 PM »
I dont have much advice to offer but i can sympathise as one of my cats goes missing for days on end in the summer - Last year i was forever ringing the mirco-chip company to report her missing and then having to ring them back 3/4/5 days later to say she was back ! It got to the stage where i have just left her as missing now !!
She doesnt do it in the winter but as soon as the better weather is here she will be off agian and i will be posting on here worried coz i havent seen her for days - so i know where you are coming from xxxxxxxxxxxx

Offline Horizon

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2008, 22:34:53 PM »
I agree with the paper collar but it maybe worth speaking or dropping a note through your neighbours doors also , telling them he is wandering and please not to feed him.

I think that this is a good idea, and we'll do this over the next few days - we have nothing to lose and if he is being fed by someone else it should stop that hopefully. That is the thing that worries me - if someone is feeding him then he may not have the impetus to come home when he's hungry as he should.

We may also alternate days of not letting him out for the remainder of this week so that if he has any habit, it will hopefully break it.

Thanks for all the replies, much appreciated.

Offline Horizon

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2008, 22:28:55 PM »
the cigarette smell suggests he has another house he visits. It might be a good idea to give him a paper collar saying he has an owner, and please do not encourage him to stay. The second point is, you don't mention if he is neutered. If he is not neutered he may be out tomming around. Thirdly, I would recommend you shut the door at the same time every night (i.e. after 5:30 feeding) so that they know that is the signal for being inside. If you have already done all of the above, then he is probably just an independent soul and you will need to work out a strategy for allowing him back in once he comes back without allowing your other cat out. This usually comes in the form of a four-way locking cat flap. But in my case comes in the form of the kitchen door being closed and me spending the evening with one ear cocked for the cat flap so I can scoot the offending baby into safety when they deign to put in an appearance.... :Luv:


To answer your questions: he is neutered and he is our only cat (sorry if I gave the impression that he's not!). Not quite understanding the point about the door? We have a locking cat flap and if he's not in when it's time for feeding then we put it on in-only.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 22:35:50 PM by Horizon »

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2008, 20:24:04 PM »
I do hope so  :hug:

Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2008, 20:20:41 PM »
Jameson is now indoors - but last night he left the house at midnight and didn't come back until 3pm today! (very hungry). That means he had been out of the house for 15 hours. He didn't go have a nap when he got back, and instead joined us in the garden until now (8.20pm). I just gave him dinner and he is currently scoffing it.

This means, he either hasn't slept since midnight last night (he woke up at midnight and went outside), or he's been sleeping outside (could be possible as he has done this in the past) or maybe there's a nice lady or gentleman that he visits?

I used to think he was being fed elsewhere, but he always seem hungry when he gets home, so maybe not?

From 3pm today to 8pm (5 hours) he's been an exitable little bean - charging around in the garden, climbing stuff and causing general mayhem and disorganisation. I think I have a little soul here that is going to sleep well tonight :)

« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 20:23:32 PM by jamesonsmum »
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2008, 19:18:22 PM »
I agree with the paper collar but it maybe worth speaking or dropping a note through your neighbours doors also , telling them he is wandering and please not to feed him.

Sasa also is a wanderer and will be gone for hours, and there is a field at the bottom of the garden. although suspect that she is hunting in one of the neighbours gardens cos she had mice! Misa tends to go out as well when there is any good hunting available and I had the delight of the most enormous vole I have ever seen in front room last week......the first of the year,

Afraid my two love their hunting although it worries me when either are gone too long and I cant see them. It was bloominh better when I had mice in the shed and they would camp opposite the hole on the door for hours, even in the rain.

Cats will be cats how ever hard we try but mine do come home and are probably in more than out, which will change as it hopefully gets warmer and dryer. They know where their home is and their food and think thats very important.

Offline blackcat

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2008, 18:49:23 PM »
the cigarette smell suggests he has another house he visits. It might be a good idea to give him a paper collar saying he has an owner, and please do not encourage him to stay. The second point is, you don't mention if he is neutered. If he is not neutered he may be out tomming around. Thirdly, I would recommend you shut the door at the same time every night (i.e. after 5:30 feeding) so that they know that is the signal for being inside. If you have already done all of the above, then he is probably just an independent soul and you will need to work out a strategy for allowing him back in once he comes back without allowing your other cat out. This usually comes in the form of a four-way locking cat flap. But in my case comes in the form of the kitchen door being closed and me spending the evening with one ear cocked for the cat flap so I can scoot the offending baby into safety when they deign to put in an appearance.... :Luv:

Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2008, 13:46:00 PM »
(how annoying, I wrote a REALLY long reply and then accidentally hit a button and everything disappeared!!)

Ok... will try to sum everything up.

First off, I know exactly where you're coming from, but I also think this is a pretty normal thing for cats to do.

In his previous home, Jameson would sometimes go off for 2-3 days in a row... this was normal for him (apparently) but I also think it has got something to do with the fact his previous owner would shut him out if she went away (for weekends etc) and he was left to get his own food and shelter. I think this made him very independent and streetwise.
However since we adopted him he has never been gone for that long, but sometimes he'll be gone for 10-15 hours straight. He always comes back though - healthy, happy... and usually hungry!  The norm is for him to go out 3-5 hours, come back, eat, play go out again for a couple more hours then stay in during the night. (sometimes though he'll go out during the night too, and bring us back 'breakfast in bed'...! We don't lock the catflap because he prefers to do his toilet outside)Yesterday he was gone for 13 hours straight.  This happens on a regular basis, esp if the weather is good. Every time he comes home from his outdoor adventures he is extremely snuggly and sweet, and will purr like a tractor for the rest of the night.

He is a very curious and sociable cat by nature, and he really thrives on being outdoors, playing, catching, sniffing, chasing. I have seen him in the shrublands behind our house, he'll lie under a bush for ages watching birds and mice, sunning himself or climbing stuff. He is a happy and content cat, and we want him to stay that way. Sometimes I do get a bit worried when he's been gone 15 hours but at the same time I do trust him to come back because he always does! Going out on adventures and hunting makes him happy - he thrives on being outdoors. If he is in the garden and me and/or my partner comes out, he'll go crazy of excitement and we literally spend HOURS out there with him. Sometimes we think he's half-dog.

Remember your cat could also be visiting people aswell as spending his time hunting and just being a cat, doing cat-stuff! (we will never know..!!)
I understand your worry because I also worry sometimes, but remember he is just being a cat, doing what is natural to him and cats have no perspective of time - only we do!

« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 13:48:43 PM by jamesonsmum »
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Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2008, 13:02:07 PM »
Can understand how you must be feeling :hug: You are right every cat is different in lots of ways. My last cat used to go out to local fields for hours on end and many was the time I would be out looking for him. He loved it over there and was a real hunter. There was no way I could have kept him in as he would have been uttrly miserable.

My present cat is almost the opposite. He stays in at night and when he does go out its never far.

Your lovely cat may be hunting in the woods or be very sociable and visiting people. It may be as well to ask your neighbours not to feed him. However I am sure he will consider your house as his core home territory ;D

Offline Horizon

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Help! He keeps wandering off :(
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2008, 11:02:02 AM »
Hello all!

This may be a bit of a long post, but bear with me.

We've had Alfie just over 3 months, and he's probably about 10 months old we think. He's a very friendly, inquisitive young cat - fine around strangers, loves company (whether it be human or other cats) and didn't hide even once when we got him! He loves being outside - we back onto woodland and there are lots of other cats in our neighbourhood to play with.

Anyway, we have a bit of a problem with him going AWOL and it's upsetting us quite a lot.

Firstly let me say I realise that there will be nights that he doesn't come back - having grown up with cats (that are not house cats) I realise that they do that now and again.

First time it happened was in Feb - we let him out at about 7-30pm and he rolled back in at about 2am (we usually feed him about 5-30 and then shut him in overnight until we go out to work about 8am). As you can imagine we were worried but can put it down to my first point. Interestingly we had been away for the weekend before that, so he had been left alone from Friday pm to Sunday pm with an auto cat feeder to make sure he was fed and had full access to the cat flap day and night.

Last Wed it happened again - no sign of him for feeding when my other half got home at 5-30pm, and nothing for the rest of the evening despite us going outside and rattling keys and treat boxes that normally get him in. In fact he didn't re-appear at all that night and was not back by the time we left for work at 8am. Eventually he appeared when my other half was back at home at lunch looking for him, having not been back in all morning as we'd left the catflap on in-only.

2 other points here - firstly I'd been off work last Tues and he'd disappeared off for about 5 hours, until about 4pm and he came back warm and dry but with his fur smelling of cigarette smoke. My other half said that his fur also smelled of cigarette smoke when he came back on Thu lunch. Secondly, this was after we'd been away for the weekend again - early Fri am to late Sun pm and with someone coming in and feeding him twice daily and shutting the cat flap at night.

As you can imagine we're pretty upset by this but then Friday it starts again - he's not in when my other half gets back to feed him and still not back into the evening. By just before 8pm I'd had enough so I decided to go out looking for him and started knocking on people's doors armed with a picture of him asking if anyone had seen him. No luck but I did find out that a LOT of people know him and quite a few mentioned that he'd been in their house! The cigarette smoke had got me thinking (along with the fact that he's so friendly) that someone may have been deliberately letting him in and possibly feeding him as well, probably not realising that they were causing us a lot of stress and worry. One neighbour had keys to another neighbours house that we knew Alfie had been in (the owner died recently, sadly) and said he'd check it but he wasn't in there. It was now gone 10pm so we sat down and decided what to do when there was a knock on the door and said neighbour had a scared looking Alfie in his arms, having noticed him in the close when going out to his car so he'd managed to grab him (which we were very grateful for!).

Saturday was like Fri, take 2. Cat flap was open as usual, and we'd been out from about midday until just before 7pm. No sign of him when we got back, and again he didn't appear during the evening. By about 9-30pm we'd had enough again and set out with torch, cat treats and picture of Alfie to start calling on the houses we hadn't done on Friday. Luckily he appeared within a minute or so, so that was a relief.

So we've bought a locating device ( and stitched it onto the back of his collar - to be honest it's not brilliant and we won't just be able to switch it on in the house and expect it to pick up a signal because it doesn't go through walls very well (1 seems to be ok but that's it). But it's enough that if we wander round the neighbourhood with it it might give us an idea if he's in someone'e house. So he's tagged like a criminal!!

We also decided to keep him in yesterday but in the end relented - it was such a nice day and he really wanted to go out, it seemed cruel to keep him in. Interestingly, as both of us were in or around the house (I was out washing the car) he didn't go very far and wasn't out for very long.

But we're still a bit stuck. The problem is it's hard to know how long he's been out when we get back from being out (he could have gone out just before my other half got back on Friday in which case I started looking for him <3 hours later which is not that long a time for him to be out, and same goes for Saturday) and we really have no idea if he is actually in someone's house or not before accusing people! There are a million and one places he could be - down in the woodland behind the house, in someone's garden, in a shed or a garage. We have some evidence that he is in someone's house but can't be sure.

We're just worried that whenever we let he out now we're not sure if he's going to come back and are upset and frustrated by the fact that he could be in someone's house that is feeding him and making him feel at home enough that he wants to be there and not with us :(. On the flip side it would seem that it may well stem from him just being lonely when we're not there and wanting some company - if he is in some little old lady's house then we wouldn't mind as long as we knew they didn't feed him and they'd put him outside when it's time for his food.

Sorry for the length of the post, I thought I'd include as much of the picture as possible. Any help or comments would be appreciated as it's upsetting us. Do we just have to accept that is the way he is?


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