Hi Teresa,
My little Dubes died from an abscess on her lung that was not diagnosed by the vets just before Jet became so ill in April 05. Dubes was the little rescue bengal that I rehomed within two weeks of losing Ruby, my first bengal killed in RTA.
I had been taking Dubes to the vet since she became a little 'off colour' the day before Crufts started that year so that was on Wednesday and she was given an injection but no tablets. She was still not her old self by Saturday so I took her in to the main hospital for an examination that afternoon. The vet said her temperature was a little high so she gave her an anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic injection and told me to bring her back on Monday for another injection. By the time I arrived home my little angel was covered in blood. The injection had burst a blood vessel and it had gone everywhere. I rang the surgery and they told me not to worry and to just bathe her with a saline solution. I was not worried at this point but I did notice that the blood on one side of her was a little 'stringy' but thought this might be plasma or something and didn't think any more of it. It rinsed away cleanly enough.
On Monday I took her to the vet in the evening for two more injections and the Senior vet examined her and said that her temperature had come down, although he did remark on her breathing (I had mentioned this too...it was shallow and faster than normal) but didn't suggest keeping her in or anything. We made an appointment for two more injections the following day.
By midnight she was hyperventilating and I rushed her to the emergency hospital where she died four hours later after being given anaesthetic and goodness knows what else by an inexperienced vet. I know this from the bill breakdown. She was far too sick to have been given anaesthetic.
The Xrays showed that she had what they think was almost certainly an abscess on her lung which had burst causing her to die from pneumonia. All this happened within five days of her becoming sick. She had been fine until then.
I now realise that the 'stringy' mix of blood I had found on Saturday was most likely the anti-biotic which she obviously did not absorb. She would have needed this antibiotic desperately if she had an abscess but as it turned out she did not have any further medication until Monday evening (the day between being Sunday) and by that time it was too late.
Sorry for the long post Teresa but all this sounds familiar to me.
I was in shock after losing my beloved Dubes so suddenly...and I really feel that the vets failed her. But I mustn't dwell on that thought because it won't bring her back and I know they can't perform miracles but......well, I'm still very upset about it all.
Jet became ill two weeks later with his first bout of FLUTD, which I guess helped to focus my attention on him instead of dwelling on the loss of my dear little Dubes, but if Cringle has got an abscess on his lung, time is of the essence....
I pray that the little guy can come through this
I am also very upset to read of the sad loss of Growee. I know last year you wrote that you thought he would not see another Christmas but the little love nearly did it didn't he...bless him. R.I.P Growee darling...and watch over your mum and Cringle.
Lots of love and prayers for you and Cringle, Teresa