ps unless you intend showing gillian i'd go for flank tbh.
Thanks Lynn
No, she's not a show cat - even if she was 'showable' - she would absolutely HATE it, that I do know LOL! I always thought I'd like a show cat, but they have really got to have the right temperament for it, some of them absolutely lap up all the attention at shows, (like Witty's Pearl for instance) but I've seen others who are scared half to death and I think its wrong to continue showing cats like that, no matter how beautiful they are.
Gillian I do hope you have better luck than me - I have to take Bonnie every month now for an injection so that the rash doesn't come back and I left her cat carrier in the room for over a week and I still had to go running around the house for her yesterday.
LOL! I'm not so worried about actually getting her in the basket - its that look of terror on her face that I won't be able to stand!