Well yesterday morning we had to get a sample out of him, which was no mean task! I changed the tray put the special litter stuff in and waited, well Milo was keen to use it so I kept dashing to the entrance to get him away, whilst Jess was pacing so I knew he needed to go. I brought the litter tray down from upstairs and plonked Milo in it and he did his business then plonked Jess in the other tray and he wee'd.
Whilst I was collecting the wee Jess went again in his bed, and in hindsight I think he got a bit freaked out about the changes in litter trays, once normality was restored though he kept weeing so I decided to take him to the vets (good job my vets aren't charging for each visit), then I had a real battle to get him in his box he was growling at me and running under the bed, I ended up almost tipping him out of his bed to get him.
We saw Emma at the vets who was pleased with him, his bladder was normal, empty and not inflamed, his sample was also clear no blood at all. So back home we went with the instructions that Jess might not wee for 24 hours due to the stress, but last night and this morning his had enormous wee's

and I am so pleased, Hubby says his never seen me so excited

I'm speaking to Emma hopefully today to complete a questionnaire and to get Jess on to these trial drugs.
Fingers crossed calm and normality is restored for the time being, saying that Milo was sick this morning, but he does seem okay