My old black Persian, Leo, had exploratory stomach surgery which meant that he had his tummy shaved from his chin to his . . .well, all the way down.
When we got him home, the poor lad had had the incision stapled shut, not stitched - and he looked like a pyjama case! All floofy on the top but then a zip down the middle!
Anyway, although he was self-black, when the floof grea back, it came back completely completely white!
Eventually, it went grey and then turned back to black. I think it took about 6 -8 months to grow back and was a lot finer than it was before. He was taking prednisalone for eosinophilic entiritis, which was the condition that was discovered during the op. I do recall our vet saying that this medication might affect the quality of Leo's floof as apparently, it can make the skin thinner . . . . . I think I am remembering correctly.
Last year, we had to have our first ever lion cut in all our history of having persians.
Mahla had an incredibly bad diarrhea episode and it got EVERYWHERE.
She was bathed but the matts were so bad and she had such a sensitive stomach that we couldn't get close enough to groom her properly. Little did we know that this was the start of discovering the huge tumours that eventually led to her being PTS on the operating table at Christmas.
The lion cut revealed Mahla's skin patterning and she felt gorgeous - all velvety and warm when she snuggled up to us for hugs and cosiness. Previously, we had thought that she was quite a big cat - but it was all floof! You can see how little she was, standing next to 'Noosh and Marble at the food bowls!
Her fur grew back REALLY quickly - she was lion cut at the end of August and died in December - and when she passed away, her hair was over half the usual length.
I hope Fabian's floof grows back soon - else I shall have to get my knitting needles out!
Let us know how he gets on . . . .