Author Topic: Middle of the night head butts!  (Read 6569 times)

Offline feebee

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #36 on: April 07, 2008, 16:26:36 PM »

Glad to hear he's getting better. My 2 still being young wake me up 2-3 times in a night. Not that I mind too much, actullay what's worse is the fact that, because Jack has no teeth, if he gets really relaxed he drools on the pillow. It is soooo unpleasant to wake up when yu put your face in cold dribble.

Fred just doesn't stop purring and he does have a very loud purr.  :Crazy:

Offline caledonia

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #35 on: April 07, 2008, 09:20:34 AM »
Edgar has got much much better. If he does wake me now it is only about half an hour before the alarm goes off and he has taken to sleeping at the bottom of the bed right through until I wake up and then coming for a cuddle.

In fact Saturday night, he woke me at about 7am must have realised I was not budging and then I woke several hours later (I had a night out!) and him and Oscar were curled up round each other at the foot of my bed - Oscar rarely budges from his bed overnight so that was very sweet!!
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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #34 on: April 06, 2008, 20:22:36 PM »
So far vader and tachi haven't woken us up at stupid hours. They don't like me having a lie in though. I woke up yesterday with Vader on my head and Tachi lying on my feet.  :Luv:

Offline sd123

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2008, 14:21:05 PM »
My Darcy constantly headbutts me and my bf - mainly early mornings and at nightime.  We see it as him kissing us  - he's such a loving and affectionate little tyke.  We quite often get woken up by these 'kisses' in the morning and as long as we give him a little cuddle or belly rub he curls up contently next to us. 
Since having cats I dont think Ive had a decent nights sleep but thats the life I guess.  I wouldnt change them for anything.

Offline kris

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2008, 12:13:43 PM »
Awww poor cat wants attention  :Luv:

My boy used to lick my eyelids open, now that is the definitely one of the less pleasant ways of being woken  :rofl:

He did settle down after a few weeks and is quite good at knowing what the routine is, like he knows there is no point getting up if it's just my OH who gets up because he never has time in the morning to feed him and it's me that that does that, but last night he brought up a furball so was really hungry this morning, he realised that lying on my chest wasn't going to budge me so he turned around and positioned his bottom right into my face and lay back  :'( When I just rolled my head to the side he resorted to kicking my face with his back leg  :sneaky:

Offline caledonia

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2008, 19:37:46 PM »
Thank you  :hug:
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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2008, 16:40:41 PM »
[As much as I know I will grow just as close to these two fur babes, right now they feel like someones elses cats and I would love to have Bertie back in the house just for a night!

Sorry about Bertie  :hug: Aaaaw, it won't be long before the new two take you over. You'll turn around one day and wonder how you coped without them  :Luv:

Offline caledonia

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2008, 23:52:56 PM »
My Dragan used to headbutt me in the morning, if I didn't get up he would then tap me on the head, if I still didn't get up he would tap me with his claws out and if I still resisted he would pull my hair.  what I would give for him to do it now.  :-[

That's all you need to know really  :(. Enjoy it while you can....  Edgar sounds completely adoreable.

Oh I fully understand. My gorgeous Bertie joined the bridge two days before Christmas. I miss him terribly still and as much as I love having Oscar and Edgar ( I have had them four weeks now) I will always miss Bertie. My beloved boy slept curled around my head every night. If I had along lie, he had a long lie, if I had an early start he had an early start. He never ever woke me up during the night and sometimes he seemed like a wee human. If he woke up early he would patiently sit on the bed side cabinet until I stirred - bless him :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:.

As much as I know I will grow just as close to these two fur babes, right now they feel like someones elses cats and I would love to have Bertie back in the house just for a night!
Love from Rachael & fur babies Nina & Rio

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Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2008, 20:36:02 PM »
My Dragan used to headbutt me in the morning, if I didn't get up he would then tap me on the head, if I still didn't get up he would tap me with his claws out and if I still resisted he would pull my hair.  what I would give for him to do it now.  :-[

That's all you need to know really  :(. Enjoy it while you can....  Edgar sounds completely adoreable.

Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2008, 08:53:17 AM »
Just before going off to sleep - Thai came in with her mousie and spat it out on my pilow - then she lay down by me and went off to sleep.

Then in the middle of the night - she headbutted me right between the eyes. Did I mind ?  - cause not   :Luv:- just woke me up - then we snuggled back down together  :Luv:.

She's doing more headbutts that she has ever done. She is telling me she loves me  :Luv: :Luv:

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Offline caledonia

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2008, 08:19:04 AM »
Ok last night was horrendous  :Crazy: :Crazy: :Crazy:.  The thing is, if I wasn't so tired I would find it toally adorable because what Edgar is now doing is coming under the covers, laying his head on the pillow next to me and kneading me with his paws (thats what is waking me up now!). I wore a long sleeved t-shirt in bed last night in the hope his claws would not wake me - didn't work but the thing is - it is actually so sweet cos he is just trying to show me le loves me  :Luv2:
Love from Rachael & fur babies Nina & Rio

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Offline berties mum

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2008, 22:27:06 PM »
You're lucky if headbutts are the worst it gets - Bella BITES for attention at 3am .... and she knows where all the most painful places are, so I get bitten on my fingers, toes, nose and in my armpit  :doh:

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2008, 20:42:19 PM »
 :rofl:   :rofl:

My cats are the same, I get woken up at least twice a night by either being trodden on, dived on or pawed at aggressively. Sometimes ignoring them totally does the trick but most times it's just a case of let them get on with it 'till they tire!  :naughty:  :tired:

I think they're getting us back for daring to disturb their daytime sleep!  :sneaky: :evillaugh:

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Offline tammy

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #23 on: March 18, 2008, 17:31:09 PM »
both of my rescue cats do it. I think its just the nature of some cats.........

Offline caledonia

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2008, 08:01:52 AM »
Well last night it was 3.30 am, 5am and ten mins before the alram went off!!

Eventually I ended up burying my head under the duvet and he ounced on it, had a feel about and gave up and went out to the hall - and miaowed at the top of his voice!!!!  :tired:

Love from Rachael & fur babies Nina & Rio

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2008, 21:20:43 PM »
especially when you roll over and the cold wet patch hits your bare skin .... my mother's siamese did this a lot - many a soggy lace trim in that house  :sick:

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2008, 21:19:38 PM »
Xanthe likes to wake me up by sucking my pyjamas - cute but irritating at the same time!  :rofl:

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2008, 14:50:43 PM »
I regularly get woken up and headbutted by Max at varying hours of the night/early morning.

Last night was earlier than normal, about 3.30 so not sure what woke him up, but he was determined to come under the duvet with me, then crawled right down the bottom and started clawing little ribbons on the bottom of my PJs  :tired:

I always wake up feeling more tired than when I went to bed  :evillaugh:

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2008, 13:52:48 PM »
Ah, yes, the waking up with your mouth full of fur ... that is always such fun  8)

Offline Christina

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2008, 13:52:05 PM »
i think its just something that cat owners just have to put up with! i have constant bags under my eyes from being kept awake all night by my little girl. she doesnt head but, but likes to sit on me all night, then decides she wants to come under the covers so will bother me untill i lift the blanket up for her to curl up under! and from about six, she constantly meows as if to say bloody well get up will ya!!!!
i think its sweet really. some people (namely those who do not have cats) have said to me just lock her out the bedroom, but i just cant do that!

Offline caledonia

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2008, 13:51:18 PM »
Last night I didn't get woekn until about hald an hour before the alarm went off at 5.30am  :wow: - although I think I have vague recollections of stirring in the night and he was on my pillow sleeping too rather than head butting me - so we have an improvement!!
Love from Rachael & fur babies Nina & Rio

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2008, 13:43:07 PM »
Smidgen spent a large proportion of last night walking back and forth across my head. Sometimes on the pillow, usually on my face. Foot in mouth disease is becoming a problem in my house  8)

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2008, 13:36:31 PM »
Lexy find some way to wake me. I get gentle scratches, pokes with the paw on my face, to standing on top of me with all her weight on her front paws and just stared at until I move.  :tired:  Purrs peeps are a naturally tired lot  :evillaugh:

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2008, 13:34:33 PM »
I can sympathise as Archie usually head butts me several times in the night. In return he wants a tummy rub and then he will settle down :evillaugh:

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2008, 06:48:53 AM »
He loves you yeah yeah yeah!  My Dragan used to headbutt me in the morning, if I didn't get up he would then tap me on the head, if I still didn't get up he would tap me with his claws out and if I still resisted he would pull my hair.  what I would give for him to do it now.  :-[

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2008, 05:03:08 AM »
I get gentle (well she thinks so!) scratches to my face!  :shify:

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2008, 03:55:39 AM »
I get up at 6am week days too - so maybe on the weekend he is just trying to make sure I don't sleep in!

I had a cat who used to bite my nose if I didn't get moving within two minutes of the alarm going off! consider yourself lucky! :rofl:

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2008, 21:33:07 PM »
Yes you should  :rofl: :rofl:

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2008, 21:32:30 PM »
lol- thats encouraging !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The best bit is the force of his head butts - its like being hit in the face, not the best way to wake up!!

I get up at 6am week days too - so maybe on the weekend he is just trying to make sure I don't sleep in! He is currently snoring on his radiator bed, I should go head butt him to see how he likes it!  :Luv2:
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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2008, 21:06:14 PM »
Ohhhhhhhhh he is 11. I thought he was a kitten LOL.

He is just telling you how grateful he is for having a home and I am sure he will settle in time  ;D

I have a 14 yr old birman who has now been hear two years and has only started in the last few months. lying on my head and then using manouevres in the night to get me to move so he can take over the pillow and/ or the place I am lying.

He has a vicious tail flap that always catches me across the eyes and a very wet nose and he has in the last two weeks started to use this nose to wake me up every hour or so got another 3 years to go before yours is 14  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2008, 21:05:24 PM »
wait until summer - my lot start getting restless as soon as there is a hint that the sun may be coming up. Fortunately on week days I wake up at 6 so this is of little concern, but in summer it gets a little tiresome ...

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2008, 20:58:38 PM »
He is never interested in playing -  thats the best bit!! He is 11 and I have spent a fortune on toys and toers and scratching posts and cat nip and yep on and on and on lol but the wee bizzum turns his nose up at everything lol!!!

Last night he launched himself from the window ledge onto my bladder at about 5am - I just about wet myself!! Meanwhile his brother Oscar sleeps through all this  :P
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Offline jecca

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2008, 20:54:48 PM »
 :rofl: my cat does that aswell bout 4 times a night,

cats are nocternal and they just want to play maybe you should just play with him for a bit befre u go to bed and try and burn some of his energy?

thats what i do and it seems to help lol

cats arent for crimbo theyr for life:) *taz and pooka*

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2008, 20:27:07 PM »
well of course he does!!! Don't you know cats are nocturnal - how dare you try to sleep when he is just waking up and wanting to play  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If it is any consolation, they do eventually adjust to the rhythm of the household ... it is just exhausting while they get around to it. Oh, and of course, some never do  :evillaugh:

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Re: Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2008, 20:26:32 PM »
You will eventually be so tired that you will sleep through it  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Offline caledonia

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Middle of the night head butts!
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2008, 20:24:20 PM »
Hello all,

My new cat Edgar is causing me no ends of worries lol - unlike his brother Oscar who is a dream!

So Edgar has a bad habit of waking me up numerous times during the night. Not just once or twice, but literally 4 or 5 times a night he launches onto my head and head butts me and slobbers all over me until I wake up and stroke him!! I have tried burying my head under the covers and he does leave when he does not get a response but eventually my head must work its way out and we start all over again - about an hour later!!

I have only had the wee man for three weeks so he is still settling in and whilst I love the fact he is so affectionate, there is a time and a place. My last wee man Bertie would wake me up one or twice a night initially then settled down - but this is just too much  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I feel like I have a new born in the house and I am sooooooo tired!! I have tried shutting him out the room but he just cries and well - does anyone have any tips!? Will he settle down once he has been here a bit longer?

Thanks for any tips
Love from Rachael & fur babies Nina & Rio

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