Been working in London today, got back at 5pm and caught up wih my phone calls. At 7 pm get a phone call to inform me that a couple have just taken a heavily pregnant cat in to their flat. She has been hanging around the flats for 3 weeks and no one seems to own her.
I , now having space and hoping to pick up the stray tortie tomorrow, take her home and god! does she make all sorts of noises in the car.
I took her up to the foster room , open the top of the pen and she has just given birth to a kitten and is starting to remove the sack.

followed by the slice of liver called the afterbirth

Have my now cold tea (yep the Macaroni chees and kitten poo conversation) go back upstairs and theres another one wriggling around. 1 hour later a third pops out and at the moment that is the total. Mum cat has eaten and been dozing and is quite friendly and chilled about the whole thing - which is more than me - never been present at a birth before and if I thought the after birth was

I reckon the chewing on the placenta thing is

wonder if that its now - will see in the morning!
Mummy is grey and white, first baby black and white, second grey tabby and thirs white with a few little black patches.
So once again my thanks to Jasmine, Chris and Purrs 'cos if the three cats had come here I would have really struggled to help this one out!!
All these little lives helped by the co-operation of the local rescues.
I might even get to bed soon (after my cigar

OH was there when I brought her in , I think he came to tell me that supper was burning but was quite mesmerised by watching the first kitten being seen to.