The cats do sometimes start to have a bat at his tail (which is like a long piece of string) but they have never quite plucked up the courage to pounce. Favourite game at present is batting heads and ears as we go up or down stairs. Ollie leans so far out through the rails, i's a wonder he hasn't fallen straight on his head. But with Ollie, we probably wouldn't notice the difference
He really has some strange phobias, which change at intervals. I can understand loud noises such as the hoover or washing machine - but knitting needles are the current thing to be scared of. Not when I'm actually using them - only when he sees them on the table by my chair. I think a psychiatrist would have a ball trying to work out what makes Ollie tick
Sophie doesn't wash the dogs ears, she just peers down them. I once had a burmese that used to snuggle under my hair and chew the ends Ruth. Didn't do a lot for the style
I guess she is nuts.