Do they wake you up during the night?
Ooooooh its tomorrow!Let me know when Auntie Dawn can come visit (and NOT get lost! )
We can talk cat on Friday!
Toby and Oliver are Amelia`s kittens (from the Cupboard cats) and honestly they really are gentle and graceful and really angelic, its my guess they will make wonderful 4am alarm clocks
Scuse me Aunty Ruth Toby and Oliver are well behaved gentlecats and very well mannered too
Of course T. I get it. Can't be saying different now.. (whisper) let them find out for themselves heh? Pippa says: Aunty T, I was well behaved. I've never tossed my toys all over the house, jumped on the furniture when someone has a cup of tea in their hands, never climbed the curtains (that's true, Guinness did that one), and never woken my mum up.
Oooh ta for the tip. I hate deliveries like that. I've got one arriving tomorrow that is coming between 7am and 7pm... how useful!