Very warm to you lisa xxx
As I think I have previously mentioned I have grown up with cats in the house amongst other furries, but this will be the 1st time that the responsibility will be all mine. I have been reading through this forum (and
briefly glanced at others) and it seems that great homes for rescue cats are being overlooked for various reasons after a home check.
What can I do to housewise? I have already looked at the electric wires in the house. The telephone extension that ran freely around the ouside of the livingroom and hall has been tacked under the laminate floor beading. The boys tidy their playstation games and contoller wires away after use now (yay- 2 birds with 1 stone). I have cleared all the accumulations in the hallway. We have a long wide hall that is just a waste of space so clean clothes tend to be deposited there before the clothes fairy
takes then upstairs and puts them away. Will stop this and have thought about placing litter tray here. In the kitchen I have moved a plastic storage box that I keep bills in waiting to be shredded. Kitchen looks a bit bigger but it's an ideal spot for food and water bowls.
What are they looking for exactly?
Do the people that come out to do a home check want to see in every room upstairs and down?
I sound over eager but I want to make sure the house is safe before a home visit, I would be disappointed if I missed something and it led to not being accepted to rescue a cat when I have a weeks to do something about it.
It's like 20 questions with me - sorry