Author Topic: Home Waiting for 2 kittens,Cambs, Lincs, Midlands, Norfolk area (Unkown Outcome)  (Read 12608 times)

Offline Janeyk

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Presumably this is sorted now so will move and lock  :)
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline MrsR

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Re: Loving Home Waiting for 2 kittens - Cambs, Lincs, Midlands, Norfolk area!
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2009, 20:13:28 PM »
Hey hunnie did you find the right cats/kittens?

Offline Harna

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Oh - incidentally, when we went to the rescue centre 15 years ago, we were adamant that we wanted a ginger cat.

We came home with a black persian.  :wow:

The rest is history!

It's only now, all these years later, that we are finally getting our wish for red cats!   :Luv:

So, there you go - a classic example of heart ruling head! ;)

Offline Harna

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Ah yes, the lure of the 'take me home' eyes that every cat in rescue looks at you with.   :Crazy: I am like you - I went to see these persians yesterday and could have taken home the entire rescue centre!

Your boyfriend sounds like he is 'nesting' slightly - this is how it started with us; got a house, got our 'babies' (furry ones) and referred to each other as 'the cat's mother' and 'the cat's father' and before long, suddenly we have a baby (non floofy variety!) of our own!!!  :rofl: 

In fact, we still call the first cat that we got together our 'first born.' We had two persians prior to having our daughter and even she refers to them as her 'big brother and sister.'  :briggin: Poor kid is growing up quite bonkers - but at least she is a cat lover, eh?!  ;)

Offline lollylou

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WOW I cant believe how many persians you have adopted, it is unbelievable to me that people re-home cats for unnecessary reasons anyway, but persians stay "cute" forever!! ;)
In fact, my boyfriends dad has one, she is such a beautiful girl but really rules the roost to say the least!!

With regard to neutering, vaccinations etc, this is financially no problem at all for us and they will get spoilt rotten in every way possible - my boyfriends family have had cats all his life so he is well aware of our responsibilities, he just wants it to be a special thing for us to adopt two babies and go through every stage of their life....he is quite a little romantic actually!  :evillaugh:

Suppose we all have different ideas, some of us want/like a specific age, breed, colour etc.....but I totally agree with what you say, hence the tears in the cat rescue today...if I could I would this evening have a black cat that is renound of biting everyone (ironically not me today!), a ginger brother and black sister, a 20 year old tabbie and a tail-less tom all sat on my lap..... :Luv2:

Offline Harna

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I do understand. The sad truth is that there *are* kittens who need re-homing, too. I think the thing that many of us, including you, no doubt, struggle with is rationalising taking on a kitten when there are so many adult cats needing a home. The only solution is to continue to support and encourage people to be responsible and neuter their cats.

We have, in the past, adopted 4 adult cats from rescue centres. They have all been pure-bred persian and we can not believe that they have ever got to the stage of being unwanted. After our first persian, about 15 years ago, we did think fleetingly about getting a persian kitten as we thought that we could imprint it with US, if you know what I mean. However, we soon had a rethink when we realised a) how expensive they are and b) how many persian rescue centres there are, as well as how many persian cats arrive at other rescue centres. It still amazes me that people will pay between £400 and £600 for a kitten from a breeder and then pay for vaccinations, neutering (sometimes) etc etc and STILL get bored of them when they are no longer so cute and floofy.  :censored:

(we are, actually, picking up two gorgeous red persian adults from a rescue centre next week!)

All of our adult cats have come to us at around the age of 5. To be totally honest, we have never had any problem whatsoever at settling them in and getting to know their amazing individual characters. And we haven't had to go through all of the jumping on to worktops, scratching the sofas stage as they've grown out of it!

But, you have to respect your partner. Just make sure that he is aware of the cost of vaccinating, neutering, deworming, etc, a kitten, as well as socialising it! It's not only money but time - he has to be really dedicated . . . . . not that I am suggesting he is not, of course! Remind him that adult cats come with all of the above - and are often more grateful that you are providing them with a lucky break in life, too!

But yes, as I said above, kittens DO need homes as well so I would suggest that you put yourself on to the kitten waiting list at your local shelter/s and prepare to be patient!  I am sure that you won't have to wait too long - you can get your homecheck done whilst you are waiting!

Best of luck!

Offline Millys Mum

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Theres lots of kittens in rescues too so someone has to have them! Cant leave them there for a few years till they are deemed old enough  :rofl:


Offline lollylou

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Hi Harna

Yes we have had long discussions about it, especially after me falling in love with two siblings this afternoon on the way back from a rescue centre.... but my partner really wants kittens so I have to respect that. I appreciate how many need homes, and i'd love to rescue an older cat but although it sounds selfish, we want to bring two kittens up as it will be the first time they will be "ours!"
I also know everyone wants kittens, and I feel guilty saying it!


Offline blackcat

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you can remove it by editing that post. If you have probs I will notify a moderator and have it removed for you.

Offline Harna

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Oh - sorry - I misread your post and totally overlooked the fact that you want kittens.

Have you considered adult cats - they are equally (if not more!) rewarding and there are many out there who are in need of a home!

Offline lollylou

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Hi, thank you for the replies...yes posting my email was a bit daft, didn't think!!

Regarding catchat, I actually got details of your wesbite from them, ive been a member of catchat for a few years actually.

Will just keep trying, been to a cats protection centre today, and fell in love with about 5 cats...the whole episode has exhausted
my boyfriend who is now fast asleep on the couch! ;-)

Think me crying in one of the enclosures was too much for him ha ha

Offline Harna

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Hello - a quick search has located Buster (b&w) and Squidge (ginger tabby) at a rescue in Lincoln

That was the first out of many rescue centres in the area - I am sure that if you keep looking on CatChat you will find the cats of your dreams!!

Best of luck!

Offline blackcat

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Hi Louise, welcome to Purrs, we do not recommend that you post your email address in the public forum as it makes your vulnerable to all sorts of computer nasties. If you have it on display in your profile, members can access it. However as we also have a private message system that is probably the best way for anyone to communicate with you.

Hope you find your wee babies - there seems to be a continual supply of kitties just waiting for homes like yours, so it should not be a long wait  ;D

Offline Corporal Smokey

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Helloooo! And  :welcome: to Purrs.

Have you tried our sister site?

There may be something in there for you. You can change the location, I just popped one in to get you started.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 16:56:14 PM by Corporal Smokey »
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Offline lollylou

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Hi All

Myself and my partner are looking for two little ones to share our new home, Lincs/Peterborough
border but will travel outside of these counties.
Looking for preferably a brother and sister but will consider two brothers, any colour considered
but one black and one ginger would be amazing.
Both from cat backgrounds, and cant wait for two to bring up from babies and call our very own!

Both work from home, so only time they will get left is when we go out for appointments and will
have a 50ft garden to spend hours playing when they are much older and wiser!!

If you can help or know of anyone, please contact me

Huge Thanks
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 16:41:05 PM by Janeyk »


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