Yesterday morning everything was fine, then I realised that Jess had been in his litter tray for a while, we kept an eye out and he was in there about 10 minutes, quickly decided to take him to the vets. coaxed him out and he had hardly passed any urine, this worried me as I knew the cystitis had gone to the next level which could mean his bladder was blocked.
Saw the vet who was concerned and sent us straight to the hospital (our vets is a branch surgery) we had to pop home first as we don't drive to get a taxi, got home and Jess wouldn't come out of his vet box and Milo was licking his head so they knew something was up.
Got to the vets who were brilliant, he was admitted straight away, they sedated him and insterted a catheter, his bladder was quite full but we were VERY lucky we caught it in time, (the vet couldn't believe we had caught it so early) his kidneys and potassium levels are fine and we're waiting for the urine results.
The vets called us 3 hours after he was admitted and told us he was fine coming round from the sedation. I called last night and the duty nurse said he was a bit miserable and hadn't eaten the renal food (he won't touch the stuff so not surprised). We're hoping to go and see him this morning.
Milo has been really good, his looked for Jess but has been eating and is very clingy, I'm a mess I'm very scared and I miss him alot, just want him home. He'll be at the vets for at least 48 horus and they won't realise him till his urinated on his own.