Hi all.................well you guessed, Misa has been feeling good today and been just like normal.
I have a sneakie feeling that he has not been sleeping well cos of the move round I had in the study and his lower filing tray where he likes to sleep ..........sigh.........has been too cold and draughty and he has not been comfy in the upper tray.
Yes he could sleep in a cat bed if he wanted but thats too bloomin easy!
he has now at last decided to sleep on the sofa so he can stretch out in comfort and sleep properly, like he is now.
All good days have coincided with better weather and the bad days have been horrible weather, maybe just a coincidence but as tomorrow has a health warning , we shall see.
Depending on the weather and on Misa I shall be going to try and improve the draft situation and get the study back to how it was.
MM your idea sounds a good one and I would like him to use a litter tray in the house so I can see if he is but we will see how he does tomorrow, cos right now he seems fine