Hi Everyone!
My boy is back home and it is so good to have him home. He is doing well, don't think he even knows how "sick" he was. I haven't taken pics of his eye yet, I need to find out from the Doctor if it is okay to do so. To be honest I have no idea how to describe what it looks like other than what I think a skin-graft would look on someone. It is still very red and the instructions I got from the Doctor said that with time it will be going more pink and then start to get clearer. It is going to take 4 - 6 months to heal completely. He can definately see at this stage, I don't know how much or how distorted it is, but he can see. He is on 3 drops 4 x daily - I am not sure for how long. His next appointment is Thursday or Friday.
I wish you could have seen Sullivan when we got home Friday night (we got back at around 23:50pm). He was completely "out of his box" - running around following Samui everywhere. Now the main thing is to try and keep Samui as calm and still as possilbe, but with Sullivan wanting to play it is quite difficult.
I am just so glad to have him back and that is in such a big way because of everyone here!!! I did take some pics this weekend so if anyone can let me know how I can add it that would be great.