Good new today, all three boys continue to improve albeit at different stages. For Lenny, its all a distant memory, for Lubo, he is eating well again today albeit still the a/d and a little boiled chicken but is alert and bright.
Loki totally refusing the a/d, so as of an hour ago I steamed a tiny amount of white fish and hand fed it to him. He ate it !!!!!

So just waiting with baited breath now to make sure he keeps it down. He also voluntarily drank from the water fountain this afternoon which is excellent and saves me upsetting him by using the syringe to give him some fluids. He has not been sick for 24 hours now

We will be taking him back to the vets tomorrow evening (unless he deteriorates any in which case we will go in the morning). Will keep you posted but looks like all the postive vibes are definitely working