I totally agree with you all who say that not all vets are sharks; thankfully!
I have been doing some research for my CP branch on vets, costs, practices and treatment of our (rescue) cats in routine and emergency situations. I am relieved to report that after speaking to "a few" vets with no result in getting what most other CP branches already have, I almost accidentally came across a great compassionate interactive vet, one of those who take each and every cat in their hands, interact with it, rub its belly, let it smell his instruments before poking them etc, before they do everything they need to at the time. He is not trigger-happy when it comes to drugs (unlike many I have visited in the past) and regularly undercharges or over-delivers (free tartar clear-ups, free vaccinations in large litters etc ,great discounts etc).
The fact of the matter is however that he just like any other vet in the UK cannot officially veer away from the RCVM rules and guidelines on vaccination and these are set. Of course vets have an opinion about it but they still have to stick to "yearly vaccinations for all cats" as per their code of practice in their standard recommendations.
I m glad -and relieved- that vets like Sean and Alan actually exist to temper the negative impression I have had far too many times from others who run a "practice" as a business and not a chatiry, as some have responded to us requesting better pricing and NVS drugs for the hundreds of treated cats every year. Anyway, although besides the point of the thread, I did not want to put across that I believe ALL vets are calculated business people because that is not true.