Author Topic: Help - reaction to vaccine  (Read 12375 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Help - reaction to vaccine
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2008, 23:36:02 PM »
I believe if there is a severe reaction it would happen within an hour and the cats life would be in danger and would need immediate attention by the vet and even then it may not save the cats life. It is the leukemia part that tends to be the problem and I will not let Misa have it any more.

In this type of reaction which Misa had it should start to improve in 24 hrs and the vets said that if Misa wasnt sorta coming out of it by then they would want him back. He did start to improve about 24 hrs although it took a week nearly before he was fully back to himself.

I think if the cat is still not really improving and not eating and drinking then it should be taken back, my vets would have put Misa on a drip and kept him in for observation.

I didnt know there was a vacine for FIP?

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Help - reaction to vaccine
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2008, 23:32:39 PM »
The FIP vaccine is the nasal one: this is taken from Dr Addie's site -

Primucell, made by Pfizer, is the only commercially available FIP vaccine in the world. Primucell is a temperature-sensitive mutant feline coronavirus which is instilled intra-nasally and gives rise to local IgA immunity and cell-mediated immunity. Primucell prevents FIP in 50-75% of cats who would have otherwise developed it, but is ineffective in cats previously exposed to FCoV. Thus, in households where FCoV is endemic (most cat breeder's households) Primucell has to be used in kittens which have already undergone the special management procedure known as early weaning and isolation, so that they are FCoV free when vaccinated.

I think I'd want to take Hunter back to the vet straight away too.


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Re: Help - reaction to vaccine
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2008, 23:15:21 PM »
Yes it could need something to counteract it, has she been in contact with the vets since he started being funny? I wouldnt wait to see if he gets better, it could be too late by then and Im sure she dosn't want to loose him.  :scared:

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Help - reaction to vaccine
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2008, 23:06:54 PM »
I think if it was one of mine, I would get him back him.  Some kittens do react badly to vaccinations and it usually tends to be the FeLV one.  If they have reacted badly to this, I wouldn't recommend them having it again as some can end up extremely poorly.  If she's concerned, get him back into the vets for a check up, I honestly wouldn't wait to see if he gets any worse as by then, it could be too late.   Maybe they can give him something to ease the pain and something to counteract the side effects.  Fingers crossed for the little man, I really hope he's going to be okay  :hug:  :hug:

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: Help - reaction to vaccine
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2008, 22:51:53 PM »
You know I hadn't thought about that but mine have all had their jabs in the back of the neck as well. Val has just shown me a couple of videos of this little guy as well and I am worried for him. He seems very lethargic and a bit unresponsive. Any experience or advice would be very welcome. I'm just not sure if it is safe for her to just wait and observe him. None of my cats have reacted like this and I don't know anyone else who has had this experience so have no experience base to advise her on.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2008, 23:00:18 PM by fourfurballs »


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Re: Help - reaction to vaccine
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2008, 22:49:49 PM »
Any jabs my cats have had have been in the back of their necks and I've never heard of vaccine drops.

Hope they get better soon.

Offline sixfurballs

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Help - reaction to vaccine
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2008, 22:37:27 PM »
So I'm posting for my friend in San Diego again. Her kittens got the all clear on the ringworm but they got the last of their vaccines and have reacted badly to them. These are some posts from my friend that she would value your opinions on.

Hunter & Harley had their check up today...the vet said that both kitties are RINGWORM FREE! YIPPEE! [image]

I can not tell you how good that news was to hear! While Dr. Gill was giving the exam, I could see under the Wood's Lamp a great deal of skin discoloration from where the fungus was, although it was not glowing florescent, I thought it was still there. I just held my breath and waited to see what Dr. Gill would say. It was gone, he said!

The kitten also got their second FVRCP-P-FelV vaccine and they also got FIP vaccine, which needs another booster in 2-3 weeks.

Both Hunter & Harley are experiencing some lethargy reaction this time to the vaccines. When we got back home I fed them and they have been sleeping ever since. Does that seem right to you? They did not do that the last time. I keep checking on them to make sure they are breathing. lol

I'm worried now about Hunter. He is not feeling good since getting his vaccines yesterday.

Both Hunter & Harley did not eat any dinner last night and were both very lethargic. They both slept from the moment we got home and all through the night.

It is now 11 am here and Harley just now left his cat bed for the first time since last night to come into the kitchen to get a bite to eat and use the litter box! However, he only nibbled a small amount and then went right back into his cat bed.

Hunter would not get up at all so I picked him up and carried him into the kitchen for some breakfast. He refused to eat. He had no dinner last night and no breakfast this morning so I know he must be hungry? He has not even used the litter box since yesterday!

When I took him from his cat bed and carried him into the kitchen just now, he immediately just wanted to lay back down. There just happened to be a little kitty bed sitting there on the floor in the kitchen nook, so he climbed into it and has not moved. He couldn't even make it back to his bed on top of the guinea pig cage. I think his breathing is a bit labored as well? He just is not acting right where as Harley at least got up on his own and ate a bite.

I think it might be best if I give the vet a call back and see if this is normal reaction. They did not react this way the last time. ???

When I called my vet's office and told the gal at the front desk that Hunter was not doing well she put me on hold and Dr. Gill came to the phone right away! :D Way to go Dr. Gill! :D

Anyway, while he and I were on the phone, he had me feel Hunter's leg, were the injection was given to see if there was any lump or swelling.

I barely even touched Hunter's leg and he cried out in pain. :'(

Dr. Gill heard him too! He then explained to me what is causing Hunter to have such a bad reaction. It seems that the adverse-reaction is caused from the antigens in the vaccine and not the vaccine it's self. I guess the antigens is what carries the vaccine into the body and it can sometimes cause the muscles in the entire body to become extremely sore which makes it very uncomfortable for the kitten to move about. Some kittens/cats have little adverse reactions while others seem to be a bit overwhelmed by it. ??? Hunter feels hot to the touch. Dr. Gill said that fever is common when a kitten has a adverse-reaction, so that was not a surprise to him.

Dr. Gill said that I did the right thing by calling him because, it is very important that I keep a really close eye on Hunter for the next 24 to 48 hours. He said to watch for any swelling what so ever in the lips and eyes. If I should see even the slightest swelling, then I am to bring Hunter to see him immediately.

So far today, Hunter has not moved about one bit and it is already after 2 PM here. Hunter refuses to eat or drink anything, nor has he even gotten up to used the litter box since yesterday. >:( >:( >:(

Harley is doing much now and is almost back to his old playful self.

Please keep your finger's crossed , just one more time for Hunter. I hope Hunter snaps back to his old playful self here really soon! I swear these kittens have caused me more gray hairs and worry than my son ever did! ???

Hunter received the following vaccines yesterday:

FVRCP-P-FelV (Annual) vaccine
FIP vaccine (will get a booster in 2-3 weeks)

I can't remember which was what but one was a shot in the left back leg by the knee and the other was drops that were put in his nostril.


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