At nearly 16 years old, Korky is the biggest, soppiest cat you can imagine, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Yesterday I was working in the garden all afternoon because it was such a lovely day and Korky came out to join me. When I'd finished I went back into the house through the garage which then leads into the utility room. Korky normally avoids the garage (I don't know why but I'm glad because a friend of a friend reversed over her cat in the garage
) but he wanted his tea and so he followed me. When we emerged into the utility room he looked first at his litter tray, then at me, then at the door with his cat flap in that leads to outside, then at the door leading to the garage and then at his litter tray again in total confusion as if to say 'how did I get here?' Awww bless - we've only lived in this house for 11 years