I've got her booked in on Friday for her spay but I'm still not sure
She's been in to see Sean tonight as she's still taking chunks out of herself
She still has the lump from a couple of weeks ago when she had her injection, it has a huge scab over it and bruising to her ears where she been scratching as well
I'm worried how she's going to react to a cut, her skin is really thin and I'm not too sure what decision to make
Sean said he can understand what I'm saying so basically he's given her a hormone jab as he's thinking more hormonal, and he said there should be some improvement by tomorrow. The jab he gave her last time obviously didn't work so this has got to be worth a go. If I'm happy, to take her in Friday and if not, leave her a week and then get her in
The other concern I have is whether her skin will handle being pulled together and stitched, I meant to ask but she was a little minx having her jabs and we got sidetracked. On checking her anal glands again, they were full
I'm not sure what the next step is with these as Sean does not agree with removing them, he's suggested I change her diet as the Royal Canin may not be agreeing with her but if this is the case, I'm going to have to change the whole
lot again
Why can't life be