Author Topic: Lily's first outdoor outing ....  (Read 2506 times)

Offline fluffybunny

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Re: Lily's first outdoor outing ....
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2008, 18:41:27 PM »
I've started letting mine out recently too -  I've fitted Milly with a loc8tor tracker on her collar because she's a real adventurer and I'm worried about being able to find her.  She does always come back after a couple of hours but oh boy does she go wandering so it gives me some peace of mind :Crazy:

Offline karenjet

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Re: Lily's first outdoor outing ....
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2008, 17:30:08 PM »
Yay for Lily! I've not long started letting my 4 out and I adore watching them outside, they get really hyper and chase each other round the garden.
I started letting them out just 10 minutes at a time and building it up gradually, they were outside for nearly 2 hours today and I leave the dining room window open so they can come in and out. Touch wood the furthest they've ventured is both of my next door neighbours' gardens.

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Re: Lily's first outdoor outing ....
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2008, 16:41:32 PM »
Oh thanks Milly's Mum, I didn't realise they were more dangerous.  I'll tighten it up a little.

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Re: Lily's first outdoor outing ....
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2008, 16:32:54 PM »
A loose collar is more dangerous, they can sometimes manage to get their jaw stuck in it.

Theres a good catflap that reads microchips so no other cats can come in, not like magnetic flaps who open for any cat wearing a magnet. :doh:
The other downside is that if their collar comes off they cant get back in

Offline Catjane

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Re: Lily's first outdoor outing ....
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2008, 12:51:47 PM »
Fantastic stuff!  It's great to see them enjoy a whole new dimension to their lives, isn't it?  ;D

As for going far afield - it depends on the cat, the weather, the age of the cat, the number of other cats in the 'hood (territory issues), and all sorts of things.  Sabby used to go on lengthy adventures, but seems to stay closer to home now - might be because of the new building site nearby ... I don't suppose he likes going in there now it's no longer a field.  Or it might be because he's getting more grown-up.  Shanti hardly goes beyond next door's garden, and Meesha used to go off on jaunts but spends most of her time indoors these days.

A cat flap is a great idea, although not everyone supports it.  If you get one, keep an eye out for any local cats who might take it upon themselves to come into your home! (Water squirters work well - once deterred, they tend not to bother anymore).

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Re: Lily's first outdoor outing ....
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2008, 09:53:43 AM »
Well done Lily.  I know what it is like when they go out for the first few times but the first time is the worst and Lily has found her way home, she knows where her home is and that is a relief.  Yes, absolutely a catflap is a worthwhile investment and does provide a certain peace of mind to know that they can come and go as they please.

As for cats wandering close to home or further afield that really depends on the cat, they are all different.
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Offline Lily

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Re: Lily's first outdoor outing ....
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2008, 09:35:02 AM »
She's already out!  My plan is to let her out in the mornings, usually she spends the mornings playing inside and climbing all over me when I'm trying to work and the afternoons sleeping.

Last night she was very sleepy and cuddly, even more than usual so I'm thinking that this outdoor life is a good one for her.  Although as I'm constantly keeping my ear out for her wanting to come back in, I think a catflap might be a good investment.  I'm still a bit concerned that she won't come back to will get stuck somewhere, she has a quick release collar which I've made quite loose on her so she should be OK.  Do cats tend to wander close to home or further afield?

Offline Garfield&Gypsy

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Re: Lily's first outdoor outing ....
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2008, 09:24:36 AM »
I'm looking forward to letting my two out, give them a bit more freedom!

Is she going out again today?
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Re: Lily's first outdoor outing ....
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2008, 09:12:55 AM »
YAY great success  :cheer:

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Re: Lily's first outdoor outing ....
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2008, 08:59:35 AM »
Sounds like a successful first outing outside  ;D

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Offline Lily

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Lily's first outdoor outing ....
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 16:58:24 PM »
I've had my rescue cat for 6 weeks now and she's been having a lot of mad 5 minutes so I thought I would see if she liked going outside (not sure if she was allowed in her last home) and maybe that will stop her getting bored.

Well today was the day, I work from home so I could choose the time.  I went out with her at lunchtime, she'd had a nap but no food since 7am.  She kept looking at me as she explored, then she leapt a 6 foot gate into next doors garden.  I rushed up my stairs (I live in a 1st floor maisonette, so can see into next doors garden from my front door).  There she was balancing precariously on the fence, again she kept check to make sure I was still there and even wagged her tail like a dog when she spotted me.  Then she explored my garden, so I took the opportunity to do some weeding, I turned away from her exploring the recycling boxes and when I turned back she was gone.  I called her name and rattled her treat tin, but no answer.  So I rushed up to my front door to see if I could see her, and there she was waiting for me to open the door for her!  I gave her some treats once inside and she seemed OK.  Then a couple of hours later she was pacing inside, sitting at my feet looking up at me and meowing.  As I stood up she ran to the front door, so I guessed she wanted to go out again.  This time, I kept my distance and as she disappeared down the road I just hoped she would find her way without me.  I went back inside but kept checking the front door every 5 mins.  After about 20 mins I was getting a bit worried, but then I heard soft scratching, I opened the front door and she saunters in. 

What a success!  I'm going to try letting her out during the day again tomorrow then get her into a routine of going outside first thing before her breakfast as sometimes I do need to into the office so she won't be let out at lunchtime and I don't want her going out at night.


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