Lily goes mad for 'Da Bird', she's nearly destroyed her first one so the replacement feathers are on order. I also got the mouse attachment which she adores. I can quite easily play with her for over an hour alternating feathers and mouse, each time she's transfixed as if it's a completely new toy.
She also has a penchant (spelling?) for cardboard boxes, so much so I loathe to throw them out. I really am turning into a mad cat woman with trillions of old boxes about the place! She hides in the smaller ones, chases her tail in the larger ones and also chews the edges or uses them to give herself a good old scratch.
She also has the round thing with a ball that runs round the edges and a cardboard scratching thingy in the middle. Once she gets the ball rolling she bats it about for ages even lying on her back and on top of it cos she tires herself out on it. Hasn't touched the scratch pad in the middle, she much prefers my carpets and rugs.