Author Topic: Does your cat......  (Read 4690 times)

Offline sonya

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2006, 23:33:05 PM »
Daisy has a bottle top that she carries all over with her, its one of those plastic ones off mineral water, she hides it under the welsh dresser in the dining room everytime shes finished playing with it lol, Ebony is just starting to play more with her toys she didnt seem to understand what they were at first, and Ozzy just likes shredding the wallpaper off my hall walls!!
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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2006, 21:45:00 PM »
Bilbo has 2 tiny mice that he brought home from his breeder and he absolutely adores although he is only allowed them for supervised play in case he swallows them. He looks sooo silly with them now he's getting so much bigger lol. He's also got a skittykitty mouse I bought him in September that he adores and he takes Mr Mouse everywhere (it's been from Aberdeen to Dorset and lots of places in between!)
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2006, 21:39:05 PM »
Misa has a large red fluffy mouse which he adores. He picks it up with his claws and throws it down stairs and chases it. Its falling apart now but he still loves it.

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2006, 07:53:20 AM »
My Dragan doesn't take much interest in cat toys BUT he has a passion for some dried flowers I have.  They are the only thing he will play with and he cries sometimes to tell me he wants a game.

Offline catzluva71

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2006, 20:42:10 PM »
Bo has two favourites, his orange monkey and his three little cerise pink mice that he got for xmas.
He picks one up in his mouth when he wants to play, trots out in the hall plays with it, then comes in again and hides it under the ruig for later! :Luv:
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Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2006, 15:24:34 PM »
Peanut's favorite is Kermy the frog Muppet . Its a love /hate relationship and kermy comes in for a bit of stick to start with . Lots of ear biting and belly rakeing but he usually ends up going to sleep on him  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

Offline Littlebobo

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2006, 11:04:34 AM »
Mister loves his little mice, mind you isn't really a specific mouse anyone will do...

Moggs loves his little balls of paper have noticed that he is collecting them at the moment as keep finding piles of paper in the front room !

Chalky loves his feather on a stick, as soon as he sees the stick he goes made growling and jumping about :)

Yumi ...well she adores her little gitter paper ball she kicks it around the house, cleans it, jumps on it ..Very cute !!
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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2006, 10:15:54 AM »
Jaffa has a mouse with a fluffy tail that has a bell on the end.  At least it was a fluffy tail once upon a time it's now a very manky solidified with saliva tail  :sick: The whole thing is really manky and I keep thinking I'll try to wash it but I'm worried it will fall apart or something.  He loves it and carries it around in his mouth by the tail whenever he wants to play.

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2006, 09:32:51 AM »
Lexy had one of lasted about an hour before all the feathers disappeared. I tied one of her little squirrel toys to it and she does enjoy it but not as much as the others. She's just fussy.  The red bug (laser) has to be the winner though....she gets all excited when she sees the pen in my hand. Last night I sent the bug under the sofa and she spent an hour pacing up and down looking under waiting for the thing to appear....hugely cruel...but more funny!

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2006, 09:25:09 AM »
Max loves his 'sticky, its a plastic rod with feathers sticking out of the end, well there were feathers, he's pulled most of them out so its just some stumpy red feathery bits left, but he always goes mental for it!  Its hidden down the back of the sofa cushions, so when he wants to play with it he'll dive down between you to try and find it  :rofl:

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Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2006, 08:18:28 AM »
Lexy has a "cat tail" and a waggler.  Her cat tail she barely took note of but since I got back from holiday its all she wants to fight with. Clearly the catnip is finally coming out..she's not the hugest of fans, but this poor tail has been tortured the last two days and the waggler has less I guess that's her faviourite.

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2006, 00:03:59 AM »
Tiggy's brother used to have a skanky old toy sheep that he chewed all the fur, feet, eyes and ears off so it was renamed 'woolly worm'.  He loved that worm, it didn't have catnip in it was just covered in his slobber and looked gross but I couldn't bare to separate them!

Offline chaotic_kittyuk

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2006, 23:54:17 PM »
aww, Slinki loves his o'le faithful frog on a rod, the first one got battered to death so much we got in a replacement and swapped them he didn't mind but he still plays with the old one when he gets the chance, it has no eyes any more and the string is constantly having to be re tied, also he loves it when you add some fluorescent diabolo string on to the end.
I usually stock up on spares when i see them in wilkinsons.

Offline Linda (Bengalbabe)

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Re: Does your cat......
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2006, 23:39:02 PM »
My Lenny has a wee pink mouse he brought home with him from his breeders.  Its the only toy he will play fetch with and if I try to trick him with another he will run after it but then ignore.   :rofl:
Loki has a pink teddy he stole from me!!!!  Lubo not too precious about anything but used to love his activity centre bridge when he could fit on the top of it  :rofl:

Still waiting to see what Nova the Naughty likes best  :Luv:

Offline Debbie

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Does your cat......
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2006, 22:26:56 PM »
.....have a favourite old faithful toy, that is matted, falling apart and barely able to play with but they still love it?  If so, what is it?

My Sam loves his 'fluffy' (no idea what else to call it).  It is a long piece of feather attached to a little fur ball.  The ball was originally attached to a stick too by a piece of elastic but he tore it off the stick by day 2.  Anyway, he holds the ball in his front paws, beats it within an inch of its life with his back paws and stuffs the feathers in his mouth.  He has chewed the feathers so much they look like a threadbare rag!  He loves to bring it to me and we have a good old game of tug of war (me holding the elastic and he holds the feather end).  I bought him a big blue feather boa thing for Christmas but he wasnt interested as it had no ball attached.  I dont think his 'fluffy' is gonna see spring at this rate though.  I caught a whiff of it tonight and it dont smell too nice now its been in his mouth so much, eurgh, might have to get rid....

So what is your cat's favourite toy?


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