Thank you everybody for your very kind comments
As promised, here are the lookey likeys!! Binka is the fluffy one, and Jayebear is the shorthair. Good resemblance eh??
Jayebear looks like Sweepys brother, and Binka looks just like a young Suki. I may be slightly biased here
, but I think they look gorgeous
Tabs looks so relaxed
Is he behaving himself now?
Christmas certainly helped for Tabs, as he was allowed much more freedom, and he appears to be more relaxed with Tommy and Suki than he used to be. He only seems not to like Tatty, which is a great shame, as he is our other FIV cat
However, in late November last year, Tatty found that at the top of the stairs is the upstairs
, and that there are bedrooms with beds, and duvets
. Since Tatty has found our duvet, he has become a permanent fixture on our bed, even though he has to share it with Tommy and Sweepy. This has left Tatty's old territory in the living room free for Tabs.
While Tommy was at the vet, we had a couple of trial nights when Tabs was not restricted to his 2 bedrooms, and apart from the one slight fracas when Tabs attempted to get on our bed at the same time as Tatty, it all went very well. It has been a very long slow process
, but now Tommy is back home and eating normally again
, we have only just this weekend allowed Tabs his full freedom of the house 24 hours a day, and so far so good