So, for someone who has never had the privilege of getting a cat's pee sample - how the chuff do you do it!!??
I was thinking the same thing... is it like
Clare: Well, Maxy boy, could you please wee just a wee bit into this little cup? I mean not too much just a little of it, and you can relieve yourself into the tray as usual for the rest.
Max: Why is it that complicated just to take a wee? Anyway I don't feel like it now.
Clare: The doc must test your wee to make sure you don't have a problem. Perhaps you can have a little sip of water?
Max: No I am not thirsty right now, I feel fine anyway I don't need a doc sniffing at my wee and stuff.
Clare: Oh hunny please, I want to make sure you are healthy, I will give you some bit of tuna if you can do that for me...
Max: Hmm, tuna? Maybe a few prawns on top?
Clare: Sure darling, prawns too!!
Max: Awlright I shall let you know when I feel like going, whenever that is.
Clare: Oh thank you darling, you are the best!!
In any case I hope Max will be A-okay!!