Author Topic: Are we slaves paranoid?..............Sasa  (Read 1765 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Are we slaves paranoid?..............Sasa
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2008, 16:03:28 PM »
Thanks all.

She has had a dish of food in the bathroom this morning and has slept most of time, I thinks she is shattered partly because she has been out most of night and also because maybe she is snoozing rather than sleeping, cos she is watching all time.

In fact I think all the cats have been up all night cos they are all asleep. Franta however has been doing some hounding of me today and think he seems to need less sleep than the others!

Sasa and Franta have been living together for nearly two years but its only recently he has become a monster hound-dog!
Sasa was hurt in Dec and we had an alien cat in the neighboourhood and thought it was him but have wondered if maybe it was Franta. Franta is a really gentle cat and dont think it would be him, Ducha I could believe but not Franta but I guess I will never know.

It took me two hours to catch her for that vet visit and she had to be sedated at the vets so they could examine her properly and I feel that she has not got over that experience.

So I cant isolate Sasa and she goes crazy if she thinks she is trapped in a room.

Now she has gone back to the bathroom I will try and keep food for her there so at least I know she is getting some.

I will have to think about maybe isolating Franta but he is a carpet puller-up and a shouter at the top of his voice, so dont know if it will work and the only place would be my bedroom which means Ducha would have to stay in there too, and I would need a litter tray and water, we already have biscuits! They are there cos Ducha is eating better when he has his own supply away from everyone else.

I know up to about a week ago Sasa was sleeping in the bathroom and then sneaking into the bedroom during the night to eat the biscuits but think she has stopped doing this. Duchas litter tray is in the bathroom too and only he use to use it but am sure that Sasa does now.

Its all so frustrating cos I thought that Sasa was coming on really well and we were getting close to a stroke but we are back to square one or worse.

 I will see how it goes and see if I can get her eating regularily in the bathroom and if I see her down for food I will keep Franta away........not sure how a cats mind works when they really want to do something and part of a birmans profile is being stubborn and intelligent, so if I make him stay away while she is eating, will it make him more determined to hound her?

Only time will tell and oh yes for a Dr Doolittle  ;D

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Are we slaves paranoid?..............Sasa
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2008, 15:43:39 PM »
A room only she could access or even a large kennel, the problem would be the collar with magnet on to give her select access  :doh:

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Are we slaves paranoid?..............Sasa
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2008, 14:49:22 PM »
I Would try and give Sasa somewhere the others can't go Gill, and feed her purely there, to see if it is just him scaring her, or there is soemthing else.
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Offline dolcetta46

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Re: Are we slaves paranoid?..............Sasa
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2008, 14:06:51 PM »
Really where the heck is Dr. Dolittle when we need him?  :innocent:  I have also some experiences of some unwanted, unwelcome friendly folks hounding me about so I can sort of relate to Sasa, had those people been inside my own house I would have lost my appetite, too!! :Crazy:  Wonder how long Sasa and Franta been living together?  I suppose it has been quite a while, what do you think the change in these behaviours from the both party?  Perhaps, if possible, it is an idea to keep them in separate rooms/quarters of the house for a while until Sasa finds some peace of mind?

Offline maryas

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Re: Are we slaves paranoid?..............Sasa
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2008, 09:07:58 AM »
Oh Gill, I too have always wished that all animals could talk - they would make a lot more sense than some humans!!  :evillaugh:

You've got quite a difficult one there and I'm afraid I am no help.  Good luck  :hug:

Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline Garfield&Gypsy

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Re: Are we slaves paranoid?..............Sasa
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 08:02:34 AM »
Have you tried putting her food down somewhere different to the other?

It is a tough call, if she really doesn't react well to going to the vets.
on the other hand a difference in behaviour can signify that there's something wrong.

Good luck  :luck:
Nicola, Chris, Garfield & Gypsy

I cannot deny that a cat lover and his cat have a master/slave relationship. The cat is the master.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Are we slaves paranoid?..............Sasa
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2008, 00:44:45 AM »
Since the beginning of the year some of you know I have been having probs with Sasa and Franta cos Franta is hounding her cos he wants to be friends.

She now is scared of absolutely everything and everybody except Misa and consequently is hiding in places and not eating much as far as I can tell. Cos if Franta comes along she will leave her food and run.

She had been camping in the bathroom but I think he has hounded her in there too so she is moving from place to place.

She was always a very heavy cat for her size and she has over the last month lost a lot of weight I think, I can only go by visuals cos I cant get near her.

I have seen her eating biscuits and know when she first arrived here I didnt have the right biscuits and in the first couple of weeks lost weight, CP thought that was good! She put the weight on straight away once she had her sort of biscuits again and at that time would not eat soft food at all. But now I am starting to be concerned cos I thought today she looked relatively thin, maybe my imagination and concern.

At what point do you think that I should make the terrible decision that she must be trapped again to go to the vet?

She hasnt really got over the last time yet , which is part of the problem and that was around 10 Dec.

I know that my old cat Kocka used to hide from me when she felt ill cos she knew it meant the vets and that has also been worrying me about Sasa.

I dont want to make this choice until absolutely necessary cos of the problems catching her and the stress it causes.

Oh I wish cats could talk.


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