We've got her!!!! THE most gorgeous little b/w girl who we are calling Sophie. She has four white ankle socks and white top of chest and round her mouth and up forehead. Son in law going to help with pics at weekend I hope. I tried to follow the rules for introducing a new cat:
Keep in carrier for a shorttime and intoduce other animals gently. Sophie then bounces out gives Ollie a brief sniff and sets off to explore, with Ollie behind. No hisses or spitting. Greyhound comes back from walk. Sophie stopped for all of 4 seconds, skirted round him and carried on investigating. She's charged up and down stairs like an elephant then Ollie was at the top of the stairs giving us a running commentary on what she was up to. He is absolutely fascinated by her. At the moment she is busy trying to disembowel a catnip mouse that Ollie never liked. I think that she will settle in very well and Ollie seems to be reasonably happy, so even tho its very early days, I feel quitehopeful.