Though those of you who have moved to AXA would like to know that I got a cheque from AXA this morning for Sasas emergency treatment before Christmas.
Because of being semi feral she had to be sedated in the end and also had Xrays, they were clear but she had been hurt on the back of one leg which was why she bit the vet when he tried to look at it!
I was only charged normal rates rather than out of hours cos I phoned in before they closed but it took me two hours to catch her and another hours drive to get there. Was very impressed by the vet on call and my normal vet would not see her although there but would have been closed when I got there...........yjey wanted me to go to Vets Now! and I refused.
Due to the break for Christmas New Year I think that was a reasonable turnround and my only unhappiness was the letter that came with it, one of those standard letters where it finishes up saying that they hope that xxx is better. This would have been fine but instead of using my cats name Sasa, they useed my surname, which had it been a cat pts would have been very upsetting. Also I have four cats insured so without knowing which one or checking the policy number would not know which cat.
Maybe I am just sensitive to these things but will be writing to them on this matter as there is no point putting a personaized comment oin if they cant use the name of the cat.