What a
Hello and welcome to the Pets’ Kitchen taste test panel!
Thank you so much for signing up – I’ve been absolutely inundated with responses which has been wonderful, and I’m really excited about working with you all in the future to make our products the best natural pet foods in the world!
I hope to be ready to send you some of our new products in the next few months, but in the meantime, I would like to do a little research on our current products so we can make sure that what we are supplying at the moment is as good as possible. I have attached a questionnaire for you to fill in with a couple of simple questions and charts for you to rate our current products. If you have not yet tried any of our foods, this would be a great time to give some of our products a try! We are particularly looking for feedback on our new range of Joe & Jack’s snacks, which are available in Sainsbury’s and via our website, but thoughts on any of our range would be much appreciated! There is no rush to get these forms back, so plenty of time to try out a few of our foods and let me know your thoughts.
I look forward to hearing your feedback – and I will be busy in the kitchen preparing some new delicacies that your pets will be the first to try!
Best wishes,
Joe Inglis
Pets' Kitchen Ltd
Visit our website
www.petskitchen.co.uk to find out
more about our natural pet foods.
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1 Bank Cottages
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