Hi Gill,
That's great! Let's hope the tolerance grows a little bit more with every day...it can take years sometimes.
I had a first today too. In the mornings, I wake up to Pearl on the right hand side of my pillow or above my head where she sleeps every night, Crystal on my left, Jade in the crook of my knees and sometimes Teddy lying by my side...but usually he is away downstairs sitting by his food bowl. Beryl always sleeps downstairs with the dogs cos of her bedwetting habit and Thomas has his own room at night too....cos of his little problems. Jet sleeps in our room but always somewhere safe (away from Teddy and Crystal, who just don't like him), like his covered bed which I have positioned so that he can feel very safe inside and not be ambushed....not that he ever really is but he just thinks he might be...bless him. He can also leave the room safely and use the litter tray if he needs to without feeling threatened.
Well TODAY....Jet comes up while all the others were lying around me on the bed (Steve had gone to work very early) and lay down on my chest purring loudly. The others turned round to see who the intruder was but just let it go.......after FIVE years, this was a first!
I feel very proud of my little black guy today. Well done Jet....and well done to Sasa, Misa, Franta and Ducha.
Lots of love