Author Topic: Remembering my DD  (Read 2432 times)

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Remembering my DD
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2007, 18:59:27 PM »
The sedative not working isn't a common thing, although it can make things take longer, it did with Blackie. IT is just so sad when such a hard thing is made harder by the vet, and I am sorry it wasn't a pleasant experience Pav.
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Offline pappilon

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Re: Remembering my DD
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2007, 16:54:30 PM »
All I can do is echo everything that other have said.. Wasnt your fault honey.. you rescued her & she had 5 wonderful years with you  :Luv:

I too am sat here at work tears streaming down my face.. I had no idea vets did that.. or that infact the jab maybe sometimes didnt work as well on some cats.. I cant even imagine how you felt  :'( :'( Lisa, i think the vet didnt give her enough sedative the first time according to her weight, thats why it didnt work and because he injected on her leg she lost it and i think it scared him because she scratched me eally bad and my hand was bleeding , thats why the second time after the injection he hit her between the eyes, it aws the first time for me aswell to see a vet doing that and i hated it, i dont know under sedative DD felt it or not, but i will never know, every thing was rushed and i was in such a state i didnt question anything, it was days after when i though why didnt i tell him to inject her behind her neck, not her leg and why didnt he give her enough the first time and ....., but it was too late, and i have to live with it, i didnt start this tread to make me feel better because nothing ever will about that day, but i just wanted to tell DD,i will always remember Thankyou for you kind words it make such a difference,when people understand how one feels. Thankyou

My love to you.. You did everything & anything for her - & im sure she knows that xxx

Offline lisa77

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Re: Remembering my DD
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2007, 13:15:02 PM »
All I can do is echo everything that other have said.. Wasnt your fault honey.. you rescued her & she had 5 wonderful years with you  :Luv:

I too am sat here at work tears streaming down my face.. I had no idea vets did that.. or that infact the jab maybe sometimes didnt work as well on some cats.. I cant even imagine how you felt  :'( :'(

My love to you.. You did everything & anything for her - & im sure she knows that xxx

Offline berties mum

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Re: Remembering my DD
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2007, 12:40:06 PM »
When I lost Matilda, I wrote down everything I loved about her on a sheet of paper and I keep it safely with her collar and her favourite toy.  Sometimes I have days where I can't think of anything but how she died, and the feeling of a complete stranger ringing me on what seemed like a normal Saturday morning, to tell me she had found Matilda dead at the side of the road.  I raced around the corner still in my pyjamas, hoping she had somehow got it wrong, but finding this lady, a cat lover herself, sitting on the pavement with my poor dead Tilly on her lap, crying her eyes out.  When that haunts me, I get out the paper and I remember all the things that made her unique, and usually I can smile  :hug:

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Remembering my DD
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2007, 10:32:21 AM »
PAv, please dont feel guilty, we all do what we think is the best for our cats, i was discussing this with a friend on Boxing Day, and I know I would want them to be brought round to be there to say goodbye, even though I know it is selfish, but the fact she came home and was eating well, and playing, even for a short time, shows that it wasn't a bad decision, she had some quality time left. i am so sorry the locum vet was so awful though, that really does make a hard thing so much harder. But, DD wouldnt want you to focus on that, she would want you to focus on the good times you had together, and she would be grateful you were strong enough to accept she had to be pts, rather than leave her to go 'naturally', it really does mean a lot. And she would be very proud of you to honour her memory by adopting Phoebe, and giving her the love and care she needs. RIP little one, do send a message down to show you are happy and safe.
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Re: Remembering my DD
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2007, 22:51:31 PM »
Thats so sad, I have tears rolling down my face as I read.

I can understand why you feel  how you feel, I may have to face the same one day.

RIP DD you sweet girl, send your mummy a Christmas hug.


Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Remembering my DD
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2007, 22:44:38 PM »
Oh I know that look and Sasa gives em to me regularily!

Offline pappilon

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Re: Remembering my DD
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2007, 22:35:15 PM »
Thankyou for your kind words, me and DD had 5 wonderfull years to gether.

First time i saw her in rescue home , it was January 2002, i walked in to her cabin and she jumped down her bed when i went to give her a fuss she gave me a look, i dont now if any one has come across this look, It was like whats the point, she was thin and scared and i promised her that she will come home with me and i will never let her down .

DD , wasnt the easiest of cats it took more than 2 years to earn her trust but then she was the most beautifull cat one can ask for  :Luv: Ofcourse she had her moments but then what cat doesnt, i miss all these silly things we used to do together.

I do feel guilty not waiting till my vet was back and not be able making her last few hours more peaceful, but no one could have loved her asmuchas i did and still do.
She will always be my baby.

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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Remembering my DD
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2007, 22:30:38 PM »
Oh Pav, that memory must haunt you but it was not your fault  :hug: :hug:

I think I may have attacked the vet but DD knows that you tried as hard as you could for her, she is such a beautiful cat. I understand why you wanted to have as long as possible with her and I wish I had done things so differently for Kocka too.

Its so hard remembering their little faces full of trust and I still remember Kocka at the vets after not seeing her for two days, then everything seemed so rushed and I wanted time to say goodbye.

DD will always be in your heart and she will never be forgotten. I found it good to write everything down, all my feelings everytime I got upset, my apologies for where I thought I did things wrong and how much I still loved Kocka. I have kept everything of hers and all that I wrote.

I dont know if that will help you but it was all I could think to do and I so wish I coukd say something to make you feel better  :hug: :hug:

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: Remembering my DD
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2007, 20:01:28 PM »
Pav I`ve lost count of the number of times I have done the same as you and bought a little time to give that extra  love and happiness;you did what was best for DD and never think otherwise.You loved her enough to care for her and when her quality of life had gone you gave that final act of love.
Most euthansias are done peacefully and with dignity;sadly a small percentage dont go as expected and I too have been through this with one of mine and it makes everything so much harder to bear. You need to remember the good times you had with DD and somehow free yourself of the memory of that last visit. You are not to blame for anything.
 :hug: :hug:

Offline berties mum

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Re: Remembering my DD
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2007, 19:35:29 PM »
I'm so sorry  :hug: :hug:  Please don't blame yourself for what happened to DD.  It wasn't selfish to bring her home - as you said yourself, she was fine once she was on the medication, and it gave you longer to say goodbye to each other.  I would have done the same - I could never let any of mine go on an operating table without me there.  And what the vet did is not your fault.  I'm sure DD is looking down from the bridge remembering all the fantastic years you had together and knows that you were only trying to do the kindest thing so that she wouldn't be in pain and suffering.  You gave her a good life and you were there at the end - that's what counts.  One day you will remember the happy times and smile, instead of remembering her last day and feeling sad.   :hug: :hug:

Offline pappilon

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Remembering my DD
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2007, 19:26:16 PM »
One year since my little girl was PTS.

She left me but the pain of loosing her , lives with me. I lost many cats in my life but i guess its the way they leave you stays.

It was 10th December which i had to take her to the vet for them in order to operate and see why she is lost so much weight and being sick,they couldnt say with all the tests they did on her! She was sitting out side my flat, i always had to leave the door open other wise she would get really scared, so i took the carrier out and closed the front door and she paniced trying to get in to the flat and i picked her and went to the vet. It was four hours later i had a call from the vet saying she is on operating table and its pancreatic cancer and there is nothing he can do,asking me what do i want to do? I asked how long she has left and was told we can buy some time for her with steroid  but its a no win case, i felt shattered, and remember her face in the morning wondering why she cant get in , i asked him to close her up and reverse the sadative. How selfesh of me i should have let her go but i was so desperate i was hoping they might be wrong or some miricales might happened.

DD , came home and the steroid injections started ,she was fine eating and even playing, in order to make sure not to get streesed i had the vet doing home visit and everytime he came he said she looks well but reminded me its no win situation,and every day i woke up feeling scared and sick in my stomach knowing she is going soon and i cant do anything to help her, it was christmas eve he came for her injection and said she looks really good and he is increasing the dose and this should gine DD, 2 to 3 weeks more but four days later she started getting so sick and couldnt keep anything down, really bad and i called them,my vet was away on holiday and there was this vet covering for them, i had to take her in he couldnt do home visit , but my vet agreed when the time comes he put her under sedatives before PTS, she wasnt the easieast cat, so i aske this guy to give her sedative and he injected her in her leg and she went mad, 1/2 hour later and she was still wide awake and i could see he wants to leave, so he rushed her in and more sedative and she fought back while i was holding her, i could see he is not happy handeling her and to make everything worse for me and her he hit her between the eyes with two fingers thats when i screamed and told him not to do that to my cat and he said thats the way to check if the sedatie worked, it broke my heart i know she felt it and then she was PTS. I never forget that evening, i tried so hard to make her last few weeks peaceful, but what happened that day and her little face looking at me , and not knowing whats happening. I wish i had let her go the first day and not putting her through so much pain. I never forgive myself and that vet for the way he treated her , he should have given her enough sedative the first time , i accepted she was sick and time for her to leave us but the way she left its like a nightmare i cant get out of my head.
One year , and i still cry every time i remember my DD, i light candels for her since last week and want to tell her its because of her now Phoebe has a loving home, because Phoebe's past was similar to DD,she came from the same rescue , same age and not much loved.
So my sweet pea, RIP and i am so so sorry if your last day with me on this earth wasnt peaceful. :'( :'(xxx


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