My friend has a big black boy called Sunny. This cat amazes me! Firstly, my friend has moved many times in the past few years, and each time Sunny is allowed access to outdoors straight away, and always comes back, even to a brand new home, even if it's a shared house! Sometimes he's had to go to stay with my friend's sister and her three cats, again without being shut in - he just goes back to the sister's house, EVEN though my friend isn't actually there, and even though it's the established territory of other cats. He follows my friend to the shop, quite regularly, actually goes in the shop and waits while my friend does her shopping!
But last night I was absolutely amazed! It was my friend's birthday, and we all went to the pub, nearly half a mile from my friend's house. This is an urban area, mind you, only about a mile or so from Bristol city centre. At about 10.30 we all traipsed back to my friend's house to carry on the party. Shortly after leaving the pub, we turned into my friend's road (whose house is right down the other end - over a quarter of a mile), and as we did so, there was Sunny!! He had been waiting for my friend to come back from the pub and, not only that, was quite content to amble along the road with about 15-20 people, mixing between us, for all the world as if he had been part of the party all night! He accompanied us to my friend's house, and once we were all inside, Sunny was quite happy to wander amongst all of us, with loud techno music pumping away! He was clearly not at all distressed, as at one point he quite blatantly settled in a busy doorway to clean his butt!
Not quite the thing for polite company, but hey, it was his house!