lol... don't they just!!! lol
I don't mind one bit it really is great to see them carrying on and enjoying life. Gill is SO affectionate and loves nothing better than to cuddle right into you and purr her little heart out.

Opal is still a little minx mind you.

She has been watching mum on how to trash your pen with 'style' lol.... and keeps pulling her bedding all the way over and into her food bowls!!! bless her little heart!

I still smile when I hear their toys tinkling when I walk by.

It seems so far away from the image that presented you when you walked in just a couple of weeks ago. With just 1 more week to go we have everything crossed that all will be well and we can get mum in for spaying and them both vaccinated.

We have decided to hold onto Opal for another few weeks anyways as although she is starting to grow a little she is nowhere near the size she should be.

Put it this way... she is only slightly bigger than the 8 weeks old kitten I have coming here this week (will post that on another thread as we excited about that! lol) So we want to make sure that she is growing OK and everything is 100% before we send her off anywhere.