Marl and Garf are now 28 weeks old ( 5 1/2 mths) and are going for the chop tomorrow. But i am a bit worried about Marls' behaviour last 5 days.
I have always had me lads done snooer rather than later (ie nearer to 5mths then 6) and never experienced what i think are sexual urges before.
Marl for the last 5 days has been well not himself. His has started crying alot and sniffing at the carpet by the door, his play and companionship has almost stopped with Garfy and i have seen him hold Garf in a mounting position grabbing his neck. He is eating well, poos are normal etc He is indoor and garden only and always never known what the front door is or asks to go out at all. He just seems depressed at times.
Do you think this sounds like a sexual urge thing and if so because he has experienced these feelings, will he stay the same after he has been neutered or will the fun loving kitten come back?
I cant belive he has changed in the last 5 days esp when he is only 5 1/2 mths old. He does have rather large items so possible he is maturing earlier than any babe i have had before??
I am worried that the great relationship they have between them will change esp as they are two inddor /garden babes.