Thanks for all the lovely comments, she certainly was loved, and wanted by me, for some reason, I seem to like these fiesty tabbies!! She was lucky that her owner rang my vet (he wasn't one of their clients) as I dont know if she would have had as good a life if he had rang someone else, and god bless the receptionist for convincing him to relinquish her to a rescue, sadly she was too temperamental to rehome, it took months before she stopped hiding when people came round, and even when she didn't hide, they all had to be warned to be careful at touching her. Even my vet didn't trust her this week, she was allowing fusses but you could see the warines in the vets eyes - mind you, she did have a sedated Tiger hanging from her arm earlier in the year, so I can't quite blame her! Also luckily for her, I accepted that was what she was like, and loved her to bits regardless, so was quite glad really that we couldnt rehome her, as it meant I got to keep her.