I've never had blind cat, but I had two blind rats years ago, and I would go with the steps already suggested - speak to her softly as you approach, and let her sniff you before you touch her. I would suggest you start touching her on her face and head to begin with, and stay away from her back until she is mor relaxed, as this will be less threatening to her.
If you can get some felifriend (made by the same people as do feliway), it might help her to relax around you, especially of she is not too used to people. Hand-feeding and letting her lick catmilk or something similar off your fingers should also help her bond with you.
I would add that the blind rats acted just like the sighted ones, except they would swing their heads side-to-side and "nose" towards things or people before approaching. Though rats have an easier time being blind than cats do (their sight is not great at the best of times, and they have a primitive "sonar" they can use instead), from what people have already said, she will no doubt adapt just fine