Well they are really on the move. Like an eejit, because she only left me one small dollop this morning in the try, I put some lactulose on her food.
Well at about 3pm, Madam went for a pooh and she had a good un! And sadly some got stuck to her trousers near her bum... the one that is still a little sensitive (albeit not red and raw anymore).
So I spent the better part of an hour trying to encourage her not to skid mark my cream carperts... and following along with my Vanish spray and paper towels to clean up after her... and then finally she was lulled into a false sense of security, came to sleep on me, and whilst she was snoozing, I gently started to clean the soft pooh from her trousers. It had got nice and matted into the fur so I had to be really gentle, with lots of tissue
. Now you have to know that's love because how many people could sit there with pooey tissues in their hand, and continue to clean.
Lexy did get roused by this and decided it was time to growl and let me know she was not happy, but thankfully I got rid of it and she spent a good 20 mns cleaning her bum.
She won't talk to me now. But at least the lactulose can be put away in the cupboard where it belongs!
Thanks everyone for the best wishes and thoughts. I don't like to see her when she's not 100%.