As some of you might know, when Monkey was tiny he got quite ill in cat flu. He had two bouts a couple of weeks apart, and after that recovered almost completely. However, almost a year on, he still has a weepy eye.
It doesn't seem to bother him, he never tries to wash it or scratch it or anything, and usually it's just clear tears rather than discharge. Needless to say, I have spoken to the vets about it many times, and they never seem particularly concerned. A couple of months ago I had to bring him in 'cos the eye got inflamed - lower eyelid quite red & coloured discharge. (Normally there is no redness of eyelids.) He was given eyedrops to clear it up (after test was done to check cornea - no damage), and it got better again. But now it looks inflamed yet again, so it's back to the vets.
I accept that Monkey is probably a flu carrier, and that there might be some left-overs of his being so ill when he was little. My problem is that when I see the vet, they don't seem to look at the problem long-term. Ok, antibiotics can clear an infection in the short term, but I can't keep giving him that forever. Last time I went to the vets, it was a new vet I hadn't seen before, and although I explained Monkey's history (and he'd presumably read what was in the computer files) he was utterly convinced that after giving Monkey some eye drops for a week, his eye was going to be completely cured forever.
I suppose I'd like some advice about what to say to, or ask, the vets. Is there anything I can do at home to keep this problem in check? Up until the last couple of months, it was only ever clear tears, and his eye would mainly be weepy if he was having a stressful day. But now his eye's got inflamed twice with not too long in between.
I do like my vet surgery, but there's quite a few different vets, so I never seem to see the same one twice in a row. Which doesn't help, I suppose. Will they think I am annoying if I say I want to see a specific vet? (The founder of the surgery is absolutely fantastic, I really trust him and he has such an obvious love for animals - he's the kind of vet who speaks to the animal before speaking to the owner, and he'll squeeze you in if necessary between appointments. Just a lovely man!
Sorry about just rambling on, but after nearly a year, I just wish I could do something to stop my little handsome boy crying. Even though it has never once seemed to bother him (and believe me! He's usually more than happy to complain about things!) it can't be nice for him. Although I am pretty sure he sometimes uses it to his advantage... he'll sit and look pathetic and go "Look Mummy, you made me cry".
So, what should be my approach at our next vet's visit?