It's a bit of a minefield to someone new to pedigree cats though imho, although I do agree, research should be done. I think that it's easy to assume that if they are born from pedigrees and you visit them and the parents, as well as having the pedigree printed out then they're bona fide pedigrees themselves. It must be fairly easy for dodgy breeders to dupe unsuspecting customers.
I know that Josh and Hope were pedigree British but I never got hold of their papers as the person I took them off had had them dumped in a cardboard box after offering to help out a friend. Smokey has the printed out pedigree but no registration. I've tried to find out some of his "family tree" but not really got anywhere (apart from finding an amusing picture of his uncle who'd been groomed so much he looked like a big blue cloud!). I thought that must mean Smokey was registered but the lack of prefix started me thinking otherwise. Thankfully they have all been rescues so I haven't been hit in the pocket.
I always thought it would be nice to have known Josh and Hope's pedigree names, as well as Smokey's if he had one as, frankly, Smokey wouldn't be my choice (apologies to any Smokeys out there
). We called him "Spanglepaws Fantasyfoosteps" in honour of his new moggy status, but Corporal seems to fit better!
I hope you get it sorted soon Alphapets!