Hi everyone, I havent been around much as Ive been in hospital and then recovering. As you know I tried to get Kitty spayed before my op, but as she was 5 months at the time, no vet around here would do it, even after explaining my situation re hospitaisation and family looking after the pets etc. Anyway, I needed to be up on my feet properly to take care of her post op, so the short story is, she was spayed on Wednesday, at 7 months old, we had no mishaps re her getting out whilst I was incapacitated and all went well
So she was spayed Weds, tried eating her stitches the minute she came home, so I popped a buster collar on her ( I was all prepared!) She came home late weds eve and ate a tiny bit of white fish. Thurs am, again small amount of fish, but drinking happily. Ive offered her food at her normal feeding times since this. She isnt herself which is understandable, but more worringly, she is hardly eating. Now she is usually a stomach on furry paws LOL - honestly, so this worries me. Ive offered her different options, from the gently cooked white fish , to her normal diet of kitekat, Ive offered her dry cat food which she normally likes, she has never been fussy and literally will try to eat anything. Should I be worried enough to contact the vet? Its so long since Ive shared my life with a cat, I really cant remember my past cats being off their food after neutering. She gets up and has a sniff and a little try, but then walks off and goes back to sleep. She seems depressed, but Im thinking thats the buster collar?
any help and advice would be really appreciated