Author Topic: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats  (Read 4300 times)

Offline Stuart

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2007, 12:45:44 PM »
What amazed me about my cats is that not only can they see when it's dark, but they quickly learned that the lumbering humans can not.  When the light starts to get dim, the cats take great care to get out of our way.  What I have found interesting is that they do this when the light dims only slightly; they know we can't see when it gets dim, but they don't know exactly when that point is reached. 

To me this demonstrates a really high level of rationality; they are able to understand that other creatures don't see the world in the same way they do - something that some human beings are not capable of.

I think it's more to do with them Being "Clever" I.e. I dont want that Stupid Slave to accidentaly Kick or Stand on Me again !!
So I'll Get out of the Way !!  ;) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2007, 10:47:37 AM »
What amazed me about my cats is that not only can they see when it's dark, but they quickly learned that the lumbering humans can not.  When the light starts to get dim, the cats take great care to get out of our way.  What I have found interesting is that they do this when the light dims only slightly; they know we can't see when it gets dim, but they don't know exactly when that point is reached. 

To me this demonstrates a really high level of rationality; they are able to understand that other creatures don't see the world in the same way they do - something that some human beings are not capable of.

Offline Stuart

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Re: "ANSWERS"Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2007, 00:50:43 AM »
01/ Why do cats go to the one person in the room who doesn't like cats?
      When a cat enters a room full of people who are staring at him, he becomes very uncomfortable.
      Then he notices that one person is totallyignoring him - the person who dislikes cats for whatever
      reason. The cat goes to that person to seek a safe haven from those who are fawning over him
      or intimidating him.

02/ Do cats dream?
      As do humans, cats alternate phases of deep and light sleep. Dreaming occurs during the deep sleep
      phase. During a cat's deep-sleep phase the give-away is movement of his paws and claws, twitching
      of his whiskers, and flicking his ears. Sometimes he vocalizes.

03/ Why do cats' tails quiver?
      When a cat's tail is quivering, it can mean mild irritation. If erect and the whole length seems to be
      quivering with excitement, it means exactly that - excitement.

04/ Why do cats arch their backs?
      The cat's arching back is actually part of his complex body-language system. Not only does he arch
      his back as a form of stretching "sleepy" muscles after a nap, the arched back is also a form of
      showing that the cat is feeling threatened. In the latter case, the arched back is usually
      accompanied by his hair standing out all over his body, especially on his tail. He may even turn
      sideways to present an even more impressive profile to scare away a threatening animal. His arch
      is able to get so high because his spine contains nearly 60 vertebrae (humans only have about 34)
      which fit together loosely, giving him that incredible flexibility.

05/ Why does a cat purr?
      Usually, a cat purrs because it is content.  A mother cat purrs to let her kittens know she is nearby,
      and kittens purr in response to their mother's grooming.  Older kittens purr to entice adults to play.
      Some adults will purr to show an aggressor that they are non-threatening. Take note, however,
      that some cats will purr when frightened or in pain.  By the way, no one has yet to discover
      how a cat purrs. LOL read below

06/ What makes a cat purr?
      Cats (big and small) are the only animals who purr. Contrary to popular belief, purring isn't speaking.
      The purr comes from two membrane folds, called false vocal cords, that are situated in the larynx
      behind the actual vocal cords. Cats purr 26 cycles per second, the same as an idling diesel engine.
      Cats purr both when inhaling and exhaling, keeping the mouth completely closed. Scientists believe
      purring is produced by blood in a large vein in the chest cavity that vibrates and is then magnified
      by air in the windpipe. Kittens are born blind and deaf, but the vibrations of their mother's purring
      is a physical signal that the kittens can feel. It acts as a homing device, signaling them to nurse.
      Kittens begin purring at about one week old; then it's a signal to the mother cat that they're
      getting their milk and are content. Since purring is non-vocal, it doesn't interfere with the suckling.
      Contrary to another popular belief, cats don't purr purely for pleasure. Be alert: a deep purr can
      indicate that a cat is in pain or distress. Female cats will purr when in labor. Cats may purr in fear or
      anxiety. They will also purr in anticipation of being fed or stroked. Big African cats only purr in short
      bursts, but the house cat can purr for hours. Curiously, scientists tell us that a cat never purrs
      when alone.

07/ Why do cats knead?
      That loud purring followed by the sharpening of claws on some soft spot of your body is called
      "milk-treading." When you relax and sit quietly, you're giving your cat the same signal he got
      from his mother when he was a kitten - that his mother was ready to let him suckle. A nursing
      kitten instinctively uses his paws to draw out the milk, gently pushing on his mother's stomach
      to increase the milk flow. When older cats behave this way, it's a good sign that they're happy,
      content, and probably recalling their kittenhood.

08/ Why do cats get stuck in trees?
      Their claws are constructed for climbing up. When they attempt to climb down headfirst
      (and normally this is what they will try to do first), it's impossible for them because the claws are
      curved the wrong way. Eventually, a cat will figure out how to go down the correct
      way - shimmying down backward so that the claws will cling to the bark of the tree.

09/ Why do cats hiss and spit when attacked or threatened?
      Believe it or not, they are imitating snakes. The sound of the cat's hiss is almost the same
      sound as a snake's hiss - and the snake is one of the most feared creatures in the animal
      world. Hissing is pretty common in all land animals. When a cat hisses, he opens his mouth
      halfway, drawing back the upper lip and wrinkling the face. As he does this, he expels his
      breath so hard that, if you were close enough, you could feel the jet of air. The moisture
      he releases with this gusty breath is what's called spitting. It almost always succeeds in
      repulsing an enemy.

10/ Are cats smart?
       In the animal kingdom, the cat's IQ is surpassed only by monkeys and chimps. Cats think
      and adapt to changing circumstances and learn by observation, imitation, and trial and
      error. Interestingly, cats seem to learn more quickly from their own mothers than from
      examples set by unrelated cats, but imitate humans. They have been shown to exhibit
      greater problem solving abilities than dogs. Tests conducted by the University of Michigan
      and the Department of Animal Behavior at the American Museum of Natural History have
      concluded that while canine memory lasts no more than 5 minutes, a cat's recall can last
      as long as 16 hours, exceeding even that of monkeys and orangutans.

11/ Can cats really see in the dark?
      They can't see in total darkness and their daytime vision is only fair, but they can see far
      better than humans in semi-darkness. They can also distinguish brightness 7 times better
      than we do. As nocturnal hunters, their eyes are able to scoop up even the smallest scrap
      of available light. Their vision generally is blurred at the edges and they see best at 6 - 20
      feet. When it comes to movement, though, the cat doesn't miss a twitch. An aside: a
      cat's diet without taurine, a substance crucial for his eyesight, will make the cat go blind.
      Dog food lacks taurine, so never feed it to a feline.

12/ Why do cats shed their claws?
      Cats are the only animals who walk directly on their claws, not on their paws. It would
      be like humans walking on the tips of their fingers. Getting around on tiptoe, called
      digitigrade, is a particularly useful feature when it comes to moving at high speeds.
      Being the great hunter that they are, they need to keep this skill very sharp. Contrary
      to popular belief, manicuring their nails on your furniture is not out of malice or
      sharpening the claws. Cats are tearing off the ragged edges of the sheaths of their
      talons when scratching. All year long, they shed their claws to expose new sharp
      ones beneath. Claws aren't just for protection. They are responsible for the cat's
      exquisite balance and amazing feats such as climbing, stretching, running, and
      grooming. Declawing not only physically afflicts a cat, but he is also psychologically
      anguished, deprived of his only defense and one of his most versatile tools for survival.

13/ What makes cats cuddly?
      The cat has a toasty body temperature of 102°. A good percentage of the nutrients
      he gets from his daily food intake (approximately 30 percent) is devoted to making
      his skin and coat supple and fuzzy.

14/ Why do some cats suck wool or clothing?
      There are a couple of theories on this: The cat was weaned too early and the scent
      of the lanolin reminds the cat of his mother,or The cat has a lack of fiber in his diet.

15/ Why do some cats go crazy over catnip, but others ignore it?
      The response to catnip is the result of a gene in the cat; if the cat doesn't have
      the gene, it cannot physically react to catnip.  Some cats will react to catnip by
      rolling around on the floor in delight, others will just quickly eat it up and wander
      off, while others will ignore it completely.

16/ Why does a cat hide when it is sick or dying?
      Instinct tells a cat to hide where a predator can't find them.  When a cat is ill, it
      may think it is being stalked - so it hides. nearly all animals do this.

17/ Why does a cat suddenly bite or hiss at a person after it's been petted for a while?
      If a person persists in touching a sensitive area (such as the cat's tail, ears, or belly),
      the cat might give a gentle nip to as a way of staying "stop."  Too, some cats can
      tolerate pleasurable stroking only for short periods of time; again, he may
      communicate "stop it" with a nip or cuff of his paw.

18/ Why do some cats insist on tipping over their water dish, or take food out of the dish and drop it on the floor to eat?
      Most cats do not like to eat or drink out of bowls if the sides touch their whiskers.
      Also, if a bowl is too deep, the cat may take the food out for convenience.  A wider,
      shallower bowl will probably eliminate this behavior.

19/ Why does a cat chatter when he sees a bird?
      When a cat kills prey, it bites down quickly several times.  The "chatter" is simulating
      the cat's behavior at the time of attack.Alternatively (according to a visitor): it's pure
      and simple frustration. When a cat is stalking or killing a bird, they're almost invariably
      completely silent. It's when they are shut off from the prey that they chatter.

20/ Why is a cat able to land on its feet from a fall?
      When falling, the cat uses its tail to right itself and swivels its body in mid-air, so that it
      is facing the ground, and lands with its back arched to absorb the shock. Cats have
      very flexible bodies, so the swiveling is easy for them to do.

Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(

Offline Stuart

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2007, 11:17:34 AM »
Cmon people, I thought there would be more participation by now ;)

Some very good answer's all round but 06/ is not well worded so I'll give you the answer to that one ;)

P.S. if you think it's incorrect, please don't get onto Me, I'm only the messenger :evillaugh:

Why makes a cat purr?
Cats (big and small) are the only animals who purr. Contrary to popular belief, purring isn't speaking. The purr comes from two membrane folds, called false vocal cords, that are situated in the larynx behind the actual vocal cords. Cats purr 26 cycles per second, the same as an idling diesel engine. Cats purr both when inhaling and exhaling, keeping the mouth completely closed. Scientists believe purring is produced by blood in a large vein in the chest cavity that vibrates and is then magnified by air in the windpipe. Kittens are born blind and deaf, but the vibrations of their mother's purring is a physical signal that the kittens can feel. It acts as a homing device, signaling them to nurse. Kittens begin purring at about one week old; then it's a signal to the mother cat that they're getting their milk and are content. Since purring is non-vocal, it doesn't interfere with the suckling. Contrary to another popular belief, cats don't purr purely for pleasure. Be alert: a deep purr can indicate that a cat is in pain or distress. Female cats will purr when in labor. Cats may purr in fear or anxiety. They will also purr in anticipation of being fed or stroked. Big African cats only purr in short bursts, but the house cat can purr for hours. Curiously, scientists tell us that a cat never purrs when alone.

« Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 11:25:00 AM by Stuart (Misty's Dad) »
Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(

Offline Corporal Smokey

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2007, 19:39:16 PM »
It is healing to me when I'm sat on the sofa nursing a box of tissues with a bad cold  :Luv:
Ashfield and Amber Valley Cats Protection and Cat Chat

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Offline blackcat

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2007, 19:37:30 PM »
IF the question is what part of their anatomy do they purr with there are two dominant theories. One is that they use their soft palate, the other that they use their voice box. Both theories have strong support and no-one has actually managed to figure it out for sure. BTW there is a theory that the vibrations of purring have a healing effect and that is why cats purr during labour or when in serious pain. :Luv:


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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2007, 16:50:16 PM »
So thats WHY they purr, just nobody knows how the sound is made?

I know why my cats purr..... because they love me  :innocent:

Offline Corporal Smokey

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2007, 16:35:13 PM »
I thought cats purr when they are happy or to make themselves feel happy if they are in pain?  :-:

I think that's right but nobody really knows how. There are a couple of really plausable theories but no-one has proved any to be true
Ashfield and Amber Valley Cats Protection and Cat Chat

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2007, 16:22:29 PM »
I thought cats purr when they are happy or to make themselves feel happy if they are in pain?  :-:

Offline Sabrina (Auferstehen)

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2007, 12:54:53 PM »
Thank you, I needed something to amuse me on my lunch!

01/ Why do cats go to the one person in the room who doesn't like cats? 

That would be the person who isn’t making eye contact with them.

02/ Do cats dream?   


03/ Why do cats' tails quiver?   

Because they are actually controlled by aliens and therefore the cat has no control.

04/ Why do cats arch their backs?   

To stretch and prove to us that they can

05/ Why does a cat purr?   

because it’s happy or the cat variation of

06/ What makes a cat purr?   

Looking at another cat (according to Harley) or petting it.

07/ Why do cats knead?   

If a kitten its because that’s how they get mom’s milk, as an adult it’s they are thinking back to kitten hood.

08/ Why do cats get stuck in trees?   

Because what goes up can’t always get back down.

09/ Why do cats hiss and spit when attacked or threatened?   

They cannot curse at other cats in English.

10/ Are cats smart?

Yes – their slaves feed them, water them, offer them treats, places to sleep… wait on them hand and foot.

11/ Can cats really see in the dark?   

Better than we can which is why they are always under foot when you’re making that midnight run to the loo.

12/ Why do cats shed their claws? 

Same reason ours break (um, nails not claws)

13/ What makes cats cuddly?

Personality and development from a young age – or plumpness.

14/ Why do some cats suck wool or clothing?

Habit from suckling or they’ve got issues.

15/ Why do some cats go crazy over catnip? but others ignore it?

2/3rds of the cat population react to catnip, others don’t.

16/ Why does a cat hide when it is sick or dying?

How would you like it if you had lots of people standing around you?

17/ Why does a cat suddenly bite or hiss at a person after it's been petted for a while?

It no longer wishes to be petted, or it could be in pain.

18/ Why do some cats insist on tipping over their water dish, or take food out of the dish and drop it on the floor to eat?

They cannot stand a clean floor. (some cats like drinking/eating out of different vessels)

19/ Why does a cat chatter when he sees a bird?

It’s actually saying “These two legged creatures are nuts, RUN!”

20/ Why is a cat able to land on its feet from a fall?

Back when cats were born they were inbred with toast.

Offline Corporal Smokey

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2007, 12:11:03 PM »

05/ Why does a cat purr?   
nobody really knows despite lots of theories

I was gonna say, if you knew the definitive answer to that you'd be a very rich person  :rofl:
Ashfield and Amber Valley Cats Protection and Cat Chat

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2007, 12:09:12 PM »
My Macey's tail quivers when she is waiting to be fed lol.

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2007, 12:01:17 PM »
01/ Why do cats go to the one person in the room who doesn't like cats? 
They see that person as less threatening, as he/she doesn't goggle at them :wow:, make weird silly sound or gesture at them or try to grab them.

02/ Do cats dream?
Yes they do and it shows 

03/ Why do cats' tails quiver?    
Reaction to their excitement, anticipation, or straining to poo

04/ Why do cats arch their backs?   
A. to make them taller and fiercer 
B. Feline Yoga manoeuver, back stretch

05/ Why does a cat purr?   
Reaction to the state of being content, cozy, and pampered just the way they like

06/ What makes a cat purr?
A little motor installed within   

07/ Why do cats knead?    
Old habits die hard, from the days they were suckling their mummy

08/ Why do cats get stuck in trees?
It is such fun climbing, they tend to forget the fact they suck at decending   

09/ Why do cats hiss and spit when attacked or threatened?   
Trying to remind the offender that they are related to big, fierce killer leopard?

10/ Are cats smart?
Yes when they choose to

11/ Can cats really see in the dark?   
Not in the pitch darkness but in a dim place they can see much better than humans

12/ Why do cats shed their claws? 
To keep them refreshed, sort of scaling

13/ What makes cats cuddly?
Because they are cats :Luv:

14/ Why do some cats suck wool or clothing?
Do they?

15/ Why do some cats go crazy over catnip? but others ignore it?
Some cats are at higher risk of substance abuse?

16/ Why does a cat hide when it is sick or dying?
They are independent and discreet creature and prefer to be left in peace at these moments

17/ Why does a cat suddenly bite or hiss at a person after it's been petted for a while?
Oliver doesn't hiss but can start scratching and batting at my hands, and what he says is, so it seems, enough cuddling, now let's play

18/ Why do some cats insist on tipping over their water dish, or take food out of the dish and drop it on the floor to eat?
Hobbes used to put the dry food inside his water, I think he was doing it to gross me out, or making a statement that he doesn't care for crunchies.

19/ Why does a cat chatter when he sees a bird?
Trying to attract the birds. (be it real birds or feline birds.... :evillaugh:??)

20/ Why is a cat able to land on its feet from a fall?
I think still a certain distance is needed for that... Oliver (also Hobbes used to) often falls from the chair, or bad landing from his own jumping, looks very goofy and unfeline like...

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2007, 00:42:13 AM »
01/ Why do cats go to the one person in the room who doesn't like cats?
Because MOST don't like eye contact.

02/ Do cats dream?

03/ Why do cats' tails quiver? 
Excitement, Anticipation (of peeing on something precious usually)

04/ Why do cats arch their backs?
to look taller 

05/ Why does a cat purr?   
nobody really knows despite lots of theories

06/ What makes a cat purr?   
As 5

07/ Why do cats knead?   
As kittens to express milk, as adults, feeling contented

08/ Why do cats get stuck in trees?
Claws can take them up but not down   

09/ Why do cats hiss and spit when attacked or threatened? 
To sound like snakes

10/ Are cats smart?
No, just wiley

11/ Can cats really see in the dark?   
Not in 100% dark but they have a better contrast vision than humans

12/ Why do cats shed their claws?
To keep them sharp

13/ What makes cats cuddly?
They aren't

14/ Why do some cats suck wool or clothing?
Contentment akin to suckling

15/ Why do some cats go crazy over catnip? but others ignore it?
Brain receptors

16/ Why does a cat hide when it is sick or dying?
Old Wives tale

17/ Why does a cat suddenly bite or hiss at a person after it's been petted for a while?
Suddenly remembers that it should be on guard

18/ Why do some cats insist on tipping over their water dish, or take food out of the dish and drop it on the floor to eat?
Because they are animals  :evillaugh:

19/ Why does a cat chatter when he sees a bird?
Excitement or instinct kicking in

20/ Why is a cat able to land on its feet from a fall?
Depends on height


I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Stuart

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2007, 23:40:02 PM »
13/ What makes cats cuddly?
Not all cats are!

I'd Agree with That  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

P.S. o6/ is actually a question on what part of the cats anatomy makes the purring sound (wrongly worded me think's)

« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 23:48:45 PM by Stuart (Misty's Dad) »
Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2007, 23:00:50 PM »
01/ Why do cats go to the one person in the room who doesn't like cats? 
Because they generally look away and show no interest which means their body language is perceived as non threatening.
02/ Do cats dream?   
I think so!
03/ Why do cats' tails quiver?   
Usually because they're excited or happy - sometimes it's because they're spraying. :sick:
04/ Why do cats arch their backs?
Cats arch their backs to appear threatening or if they feel threatened...I think!
05/ Why does a cat purr?   
06/ What makes a cat purr?   
Differs from cat to cat.
07/ Why do cats knead?   
It's a bedding down instinct from kittenhood.
08/ Why do cats get stuck in trees?   
09/ Why do cats hiss and spit when attacked or threatened?   
10/ Are cats smart?
11/ Can cats really see in the dark?
No, they can see better than people but it's a myth they can see perfectly in the dark. 
12/ Why do cats shed their claws? 
Presumably because they become blunt and need to be sharp to be of any use as their protection.
13/ What makes cats cuddly?
Not all cats are!
14/ Why do some cats suck wool or clothing?
This is known as pica. It's kind of a cat form of OCD in an adult cat, but in kittens it can be to do with suckling. Some adult cats do it when separated from their mothers too early.
15/ Why do some cats go crazy over catnip? but others ignore it?
16/ Why does a cat hide when it is sick or dying?
I didn't know they did specifically. I thought that was an old wives tale.
17/ Why does a cat suddenly bite or hiss at a person after it's been petted for a while?
To let the person know they've been fussed enough!
18/ Why do some cats insist on tipping over their water dish, or take food out of the dish and drop it on the floor to eat?
Gonig back to wild cat behaviour and "Finding its resources?"
19/ Why does a cat chatter when he sees a bird?
The noise is made by the cat as it is mimicking breaking its preys neck with its mouth.....nice(!)
20/ Why is a cat able to land on its feet from a fall?
They don't always.

I have no idea if I've answered them correctly. I'm pretty sleepy! :tired:
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 23:02:57 PM by JackSpratt »

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Re: Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2007, 22:53:05 PM »
01/ Why do cats go to the one person in the room who doesn't like cats?  Body language. the person does not stare at the cat or lean forward, if anything they lean back, and they do not smile or attempt to attract the cat. All good cat language for saying, I am safe and harmless. I teach it to my cat-hating friends so they can avoid offending more sensitive cat owners.

02/ Do cats dream?   Yes, all sentient beings dream

03/ Why do cats' tails quiver?   No idea

04/ Why do cats arch their backs?   To make themselves look bigger and more threatening if they are afraid or threatened.

05/ Why does a cat purr?   It is the language they use to tell their mothers they are suckling and therefore content. It reassures the queen that they are feeding properly

06/ What makes a cat purr? It can be a comfort thing but they also do it when in pain, so can be a request for relief.   

07/ Why do cats knead?   Again it goes back to suckling behaviour as a kitten

08/ Why do cats get stuck in trees?    Because their claws grip in one direction only - up. So once up they have no traction for getting down.

09/ Why do cats hiss and spit when attacked or threatened?   It is a sound like a snake.  A lot of animals replicate this to show they are dangerous.

10/ Are cats smart? Of course!! Silly question - they can figure out problems and solve mysteries, they therefore have reasoning powers.

11/ Can cats really see in the dark?   Not in total darkness but their capacity for enlarging their pupils allows them vision in wider ranges than is possible for humans.

12/ Why do cats shed their claws? Because it is dead material that covers the quick. It becomes ragged and so is shed to allow the newer, stronger material to be exposed.

13/ What makes cats cuddly? Their incredible abilty to become boneless when they want to  :Luv:

14/ Why do some cats suck wool or clothing? It reminds them of their mothers.

15/ Why do some cats go crazy over catnip? but others ignore it? It is a response built into their genetic makeup.

16/ Why does a cat hide when it is sick or dying? Because it wants to find a place where it is safe from threats

17/ Why does a cat suddenly bite or hiss at a person after it's been petted for a while? The petting can arouse sexual responses and thus lead to hissing and biting which is part of the mating behaviour of cats (yes, even neuters)

18/ Why do some cats insist on tipping over their water dish, or take food out of the dish and drop it on the floor to eat? It is akin to playing with prey and making sure it is not a threat, and going to turn around and bite back.

19/ Why does a cat chatter when he sees a bird? An anticipatory action mimicking the actual death bite.

20/ Why is a cat able to land on its feet from a fall? Because it has the ability to right itself in mid-fall, First the head turns to the right direction in relation to the ground and the body follows in a twisting action. If the cat hits the ground before this process is complete it can be just as clumsy as the next person ...

Offline Stuart

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Another 20 Gen Knowlege question's about Cats
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2007, 22:41:16 PM »
Feeling guilty about spoiling Ickle's 20 Gen Knowlege quiz by CHEATING :shy: using the net

I have composed another one :evillaugh:

Remember, Just for Fun, Answer's posted later  ;) ;)

01/ Why do cats go to the one person in the room who doesn't like cats? 

02/ Do cats dream?   

03/ Why do cats' tails quiver?   

04/ Why do cats arch their backs?   

05/ Why does a cat purr?   

06/ What makes a cat purr?   

07/ Why do cats knead?   

08/ Why do cats get stuck in trees?   

09/ Why do cats hiss and spit when attacked or threatened?   

10/ Are cats smart?

11/ Can cats really see in the dark?   

12/ Why do cats shed their claws? 

13/ What makes cats cuddly?

14/ Why do some cats suck wool or clothing?

15/ Why do some cats go crazy over catnip? but others ignore it?

16/ Why does a cat hide when it is sick or dying?

17/ Why does a cat suddenly bite or hiss at a person after it's been petted for a while?

18/ Why do some cats insist on tipping over their water dish, or take food out of the dish and drop it on the floor to eat?

19/ Why does a cat chatter when he sees a bird?

20/ Why is a cat able to land on its feet from a fall?

Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(


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