Author Topic: Poor Furbaby hit by a car  (Read 8802 times)

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #68 on: October 25, 2007, 15:49:31 PM »
Hello there, just wondering how Furbaby is doing :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #67 on: October 23, 2007, 19:01:02 PM »
has anyone tried these collars?

I just love instruction 5: place collar around pet's neck and blow to inflate it  :rofl:  Kitty n Pooch in the photos don't look terribly happy, but it looks harder to get off than the lampshade?

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #66 on: October 22, 2007, 08:11:33 AM »
Think it is skin probs and something else, I can't remember the second thing.
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #65 on: October 21, 2007, 19:19:18 PM »
The injectable two week antibiotoic doest work for everything my vet told me, He gave franta one after he had been bitten and I cant remember what things it works with and what it doesnt now.................please can someone give me a memeory braincell?

Offline lilycat

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #64 on: October 21, 2007, 11:29:36 AM » vet does a long term [couple of weeks worth] antibiotic in Injectable form so I would imagine yours does too. The thing which always gets me is that it isn't offered more readily...I had to do a bit of research [internet], found it could be injected and then had to specifically ask the vet for it - which he was happy to do.

I think it should always be offered as an option if it's appropriate, especially if the animal concerned has tablet issues. 

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #63 on: October 20, 2007, 23:10:27 PM »
have to say I wasn't happy either, she had 3 lots in the time I had her (7 weeks and 6 days!!). Did try her on the tablets before going down the liquid route, and it didn't work.
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Offline Amanda (mad4moggies)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #62 on: October 20, 2007, 23:05:20 PM »
I`m suprised by that Desley, where i work there isn`t too much of a difference in price but i guess everywhere is different. The liquid Synulox palatable drops are usually reserved for tiny kittens but i`m not too sure why.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #61 on: October 20, 2007, 22:36:03 PM »
IT is a lot more expensive than the tablets Gill, when I had it for Blackie, it was £13 compared to the £4 for the tablets. I have also been offered some kind of antibiotic paste, but again, it is a lot more expensive. It does smell quite sweet, so some cats might not like it, but it worked well for Blackie, I just didn't go down that route with PEbbles, cos she was a lot fussier with her food.
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #60 on: October 20, 2007, 22:23:41 PM »
Amanda I am shocked by that, if they do why dont flaming vets offer it then................I have never heard there was a liquid form  >:(

Offline Amanda (mad4moggies)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #59 on: October 20, 2007, 22:19:16 PM »
Furbabies, they do do the antibiotics in a liquid form if it is Synulox (pink tablets) that you are giving her. These are the tablets that most vets use for this sort of thing. You could phone the vet on Monday and see if you can change to the liquid form.

Offline sheryl

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #58 on: October 20, 2007, 20:23:12 PM »
I can understand you feeling down furbabies, I was the same when Charlie had his accident but I had the comfort of knowing my vet is fantastic.  It is always difficult to see our furry babies in pain and unhappy but she will soon be better and she knows that you are there for her.
I really would try to find a more compasionate vet because I think it is so important to have faith in the vets who take care of our little ones.
Take care of yourself xxx
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Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #57 on: October 20, 2007, 19:54:48 PM »
It sounds as if Furbaby is picking up now. I know the collar is a real pain but do persevre with it. You will find she will get a bit more used to it and the outcome will be worth it. You must try not to feel guilty, none of us know what is going to happen next. Archie was out in the daytime when he got his tail stuck so accidents do not always happen at night. Just contact the vet if you are not happy about anything. :hug:

Offline furbabies

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #56 on: October 20, 2007, 19:29:21 PM »
She does seem more content today, she hated being cooped up in one room which I think added to her dstress but her stump seems to be much less sensitive today than it has been the previous two days - naturally.

She's enjoying being fussed and been curling up with up with me as i've been feeling blarghhh all day today, i'm sure she thinks I need more looking after than she does lol

My bug bears are this bl**dy collar and the antibiotics tablets, i'm sure she'll do much better when she doesn't need either.
The collar is ridiculously big IMO and seems very heavy for her and to lay comfortably she needs to hang her head over the edge of the windowsill, or sofa etc which looks massively uncomfortable. I take it off to let her eat if I can, but she's getting harder and harder to put it back on her, and its causign her a great deal of distress. As is trying to give her her tablets, thank god she doesn't need any long term, she's clawed my hand to bits tonight. We've tried hidign it in her food etc but it doesn't really work and takes about 6 attempts, each time she's getting more and more hacked off.

I feel terrible I can't just take the stupid lampshade off her neck and that I have to give her these tablets. Ok I could order a better collar but by the time it gets here she prob won't have to wear it any longer.
An the tablets why can't they do it in liquid form like they do for small children.

I feel guilty anyway, I should have kept her in and never let her go outside or given in to her. I feel totally responsible for the loss of her gorgeous tail and the pain she's had to go through and distress she's going through with the collar etc now.
RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #55 on: October 20, 2007, 16:57:15 PM »
As long as the kitten is safe, then it maybe will help furbabe to recover.

I am pleased she seems to be settling but please remember purring is also a means they use of comforting themselves when in pain.

lots ofgentle strokes to Furbabe  :hug: :hug:

Offline lilycat

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #54 on: October 20, 2007, 15:04:36 PM »
I have to say, this vet sounds awful  >:(

I'm a bit dubious about the wound not being dressed at all, even if it was just done for a day or two to protect the wound/stitches while the little one got used to the collar etc. True it's in an awkward area but the vet should be familiar with dressings on paws and the principle would be the same as dressing a tail.

I'd seriously consider a change of vet - their whole attitude sounds a bit slapdash.

It's a shame things didn't work out with your kitten but I think you did the right thing...When there's real, serious aggression there I don't think there's much else to be done  :hug:

Offline furbabies

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #53 on: October 20, 2007, 13:03:01 PM »

To cut a long story short our kitten went back to where he came from as he's been so aggressive toward my little girl who'd had to have tail taken off.
IT all got too much, I could write an essay of all the things he has done since her accident.
It was impossible to keep them apart and watch her to make sure her lampshade was still on, when I did shut her away and then went to check he would squeeze past me and hurt me to get to her, he bit us when we tried to remove him from her, it was liek he was hell bent on doing her in.

Anyway we're sad that he is no longer part of the family and i'm sure you'll all say we did the wrong thing and should have waited it out but we really couldn't cope with it any longer.
I know he'll be happy but we'll all miss him except maybe my other furbaby.

She is much better today, still a little depressed but then she does have to lugg around the lampshade, but she is purring lots again and we don't have to shut her away
RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #52 on: October 19, 2007, 18:42:15 PM »
I know cats are very resilient and they hide pain well but I am siure she must be ion pain after this op and the vet should have given you something for her.

Sounds like maybe she was too hot if she wanted to lie on the tiles and that would make me a tad worried incase she had a temp.

I wish you veryt was better cos it sounds like he is uncommuncative and like Mark said very old scholl.

I do hope Furbaby feels a bit better today and this start to settle down  :hug: :hug:

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #51 on: October 19, 2007, 17:43:53 PM »
I know Metacam is a godsend. When Clapton was in pain with his mouth, he turned into a kitten and was able to eat within 1/2 hour - the difference was amazing.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #50 on: October 19, 2007, 17:35:46 PM »
Give your vet a ring, they may still be open? Metacam can be used with some ABs. You know her best  ;D

Offline lucy

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #49 on: October 19, 2007, 17:26:51 PM »
How stressful for you all - hopeshe is on the mend soon.  :hug:

Offline furbabies

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2007, 17:23:37 PM »
Furbaby isn't stupid so she's accepted that she won't be going outside bless her
She's a bit depressed and is hell bent on laying on the cold tiled floor, despite the fact I hauled all the throws
off the sofa's for her to have to make it cozy for her, typical eh

She was given the antibiotics and was said to just use that.
So i've not been using the Metacam aswell do you think I should go back and say she seems
a bit down and in pain ?
I just assumed the two weren't to be mixed?

RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline sheryl

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2007, 16:08:53 PM »
Bless her heart, poor Furbaby, so sorry that you are having such a rough time.  When Charlie has his accident he had to have a "lampshade" on for over 2 weeks and for the first few days he hated it and i was constantly worried that he would hurt himself but he did eventually calm down and accept it.  We used to take it off for him for short periods of time so that he could eat and drink comfortably while we sat with him.

Sending positive vibes for Furbaby and wishing her a really speedy recovery xxx
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Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #46 on: October 19, 2007, 13:33:44 PM »
Hello there, sorry that you had such a rough night. I really feel for you as I know what I went through with Archies tail. The going out thing is very hard and I was climbing up the walls at times. I know its hard but try to keep putting the collar back, trust me she will get a bit more used to it . Just get back in touch with the vets if you have any worries. They will have to consider having her for a few days if she keeps removing the collar. Wishing you all the best. :hug:

Offline furbabies

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #45 on: October 19, 2007, 13:09:24 PM »
Morning :tired:

Wow thats the crappest nights sleep since littlen was a baby  :Crazy:

She was crying half the night so had to put her in the utlity room as she wouldn't settle with us
She is hell bent on wanting to go outside, I have no intention of letting her but she is literally climbing up the walls like she has cabin fever.
Yet the last almost week while she's had her tail she's been happy to not venture out of our bedroom at all without being restricted by anything.
Bad news is she got her lampshade AND collar off, how the hell she did that i've no idea cause short of taping it to her it couldn't have been any tighter without choking her.

She's cleaned her stump, I knew why she'd want to as it obviously had blood on it and the hair round it had like disinfectant stuff on it and she's errm very particular almost to the point of have OCD about being clean.

Been watching her and she hasn't got them off since, but she's not been to the loo since I got her home.

So i'm still feelign stressed.

The vets reckon that with the smallest collar she would get to her wound so we'll just have to make do.

I hope she calms down really worried about her
RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #44 on: October 19, 2007, 11:10:33 AM »
French vet just gave me 2 packets of it and the adhesive stuff and I did it myself 3x a day.  I was home though. Very tricky if you aren't and are at work.

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #43 on: October 19, 2007, 10:18:39 AM »
they def can't use a jersey-style, tight but breathable fabric bandage thing held in place by tape? That's what they use in France (you go through a lot of bandage as they get it off about 3x a day) if the cat won't wear a collar. It's loose over the wound area but held in place with tight very sticky plaster tape.

This is what our vet used on Archie. I had to take him back quite a few times for it to be changed during the first week. It is very easy to get off without a collar.

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #42 on: October 19, 2007, 10:13:07 AM »
they def can't use a jersey-style, tight but breathable fabric bandage thing held in place by tape? That's what they use in France (you go through a lot of bandage as they get it off about 3x a day) if the cat won't wear a collar. It's loose over the wound area but held in place with tight very sticky plaster tape.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #41 on: October 19, 2007, 07:54:37 AM »
I am slightly horrified at what your vet has done and said, they should have put the collar on, especially if she was bothering her stitches, and they should be used to dealing with un-cooperative cats. I do hope it heals soon, but would be considering changing vets. Glad the X-rays were clear.
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Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #40 on: October 18, 2007, 23:30:55 PM »
You have had a tough day, but its good news about the hips. I remember Mark telling me about the BITE NOT collar and I sent for one for Archie, you may find its better. Archie hated his collar as well but I must say he got used to it. He came home with a dressing on which managed to stay fora few days. I had to take him back quite a few times during the first week for the vet to check progress. If there is anything that you are not happy with contact the vet right away.Best of luck. :hug:

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #39 on: October 18, 2007, 23:25:33 PM »
Just caught up with this. The vet is a bit too "Old School" for me and I would think about changing. Have you heard of "Bite Not" collars. Much more comfortable for them to wear and less stressful - £20 well spent I think

« Last Edit: October 18, 2007, 23:29:48 PM by Mark »

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Amanda (mad4moggies)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #38 on: October 18, 2007, 23:17:55 PM »
I agree with Gill that this probably hasn`t been handled as well as it could have been but i am so pleased to hear that she has had the operation as this will make her more than likely feel better already.  The stump isn`t covered after this operation as it is extremely hard to dress this area and also it`s better to leave wounds like this without a dressing. The other thing is that a cat would take a dressing off anyway if it had half a chance!! I agree with your vets that it is extremely important that you keep the collar on so that the wound can heal as if she opens it she may need another anaesthetic to suture it closed again and it sounds as though she has been through a lot already. The collars usually have a sticker on them with the size and most cats usually require a 10cm collar with 12cm being used for fairly large cats. She should be able to eat with the collar on and i would be concerned that if she cannot do this then maybe as you mentioned the collar may be too large for her. If you get the next size down you must be careful that she cannot get to the wound.

I am suprised that they did not give you any pain relief medication, probably something like Metacam drops that can be put on food, as this is quite a big operation. I`m not sure i totally agree with their comment about it taken a while to heal as with all of the ones i`ve seen the cat has returned to normal in a matter of days.

Did they mention when they need to see her for a check up?

Good luck with her and i hope you get to have some rest!  ;D

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #37 on: October 18, 2007, 23:07:15 PM »
Hope she gets better soon.  :hug:

I agree with gill my gfs mum has the most evil cat ever and the vets even managed to get a coller thing on him considering you can only touch him on HIS terms im sure they could of got it on your cat, It makes me angry when vets are like this, He only has half a tail as when my GFs brother was little he accidently trapped it in the door as he didnt want to let him out well anyway getting to the point when he came back from the vets he had his tail bandaged up this was many years ago though so things may have changed

Offline furbabies

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #36 on: October 18, 2007, 23:05:40 PM »
Thats ok Gill who never seems to sleep loll

Well I was told they tried to put the collar on her but she went mad, whichi is exactly what she did when we put it on her
except they said it HAD to stay on ehr or she might burst her stitches and have to go back whcih is a big no no.
So I thought ok well even i I have to lay on the bloody floor next to ehr all night long she'll keep it on. But she is much quieter
in there on her own, which I feel awful about, i'm sitting here the other side of the door and have been most of the evening,
bar the occasional check just to make sure she's got the lampshade on still. When her stump starts to dry up will let her come and
lay on the bed with me but til then think she needs to be kept as quiet as possible so her poor little stump has time to dry up.

No the stump has nothing on it as it need the air to dry out and start healing properly apparently. There are smaller lampshades but they reckon anythign smaller
she'll be able to get to her stump.... hmmm not sure about that one but I suppose they know what they're talkign about, she's practically stranglign herself to eat and drink
and I knwo everyone will say take the lampshade off but I don't really want to do that because I know that everytime I do she's gonna be that bit harder to put it back on her again.

I got a call at just after 3 sayign they'd finished the op and were waiting for her to come round, But I could pick her up between 4 - 5pm. They did the x rays and her hips are fine they think that she wasn't walkign well because of her tail and the discomfort from that, and as they thin the car went over her tail they thikn it may have pulled her pelvis/ hips so it's prob uncomfortable to walk.

I was just given antibiotics tablets for her to have twice a day for a week then they want to see her again to take stitches out.

As it's a tail injury apparently it'll take a long time to heal up - oh goody  :(

Right I must check on her again and head for bed if I can actually sleep

RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #35 on: October 18, 2007, 22:52:32 PM »
I am sory but I think your vets are idiots, what do they mean they couldnt put the collar on her, thats just down right stupid!

Doesnt her stump have any protection on it , I dont know if that is possible?

It sounds to me that thay have done the op stitched up and just off loaded her back to you.

What about the xrays and her hips?

have you got pain meds for her and antibiotics to stop infection?

I am sure the collars come in different sizes and as long as its the right size she will get used to it, really.

when do you take her back?

Sorry for lots of questions but am worried about your vets.

I am sure someone like amanda or lynn can advise what to look for if infection or a problem occurs but I hope that she will settle and I am sure she does want to be with you cos she is probably terrified and in pain.

Please keep us uptodate with how she is.

Gentle strokes to her from me  :hug:

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #34 on: October 18, 2007, 22:43:18 PM »

Picked her up, she's on antibiotics for the next week.
They handed me a lampshade collar and said they'd had no luck gettign it on her but she has to wear it as she won't leave the stitches alone.
So first thing we did when we got her home was put the collar lampshadey thing on her and yes it's saef to say she really really hates it
For 15 minutes afterwards she was going mad, trying to back up walls hitting her stump and wiping blood everywhere.
Managed to settle ehr down a bit but it seems now the tail has gone she's back to beign able to jump, I even put a pressure gate up at full height to keep her in one room and she jumped it.
I've hd to shut her in my en suite with minimal supervision on her as that seems to make her worse, think she wants to be with me, which would be lovely but her stump is very sore and hasn't started to heal so she's wiping blood on everythign it touches, carpet, walls, doors etc.
I've made it as comfortable as possible in there for her, and the less i've gone in the quieter it seeems to be in there, which is good as it means she's resting and hopefully can't do anythign to her stump.
THe lampshade thing is a ridiculous size though she can barely eat or drink anything and she gets easily freaked out as with it just on her so you can imgine what she's liek when it hits something.
RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #33 on: October 18, 2007, 22:30:49 PM »
I do hope this has gone Ok

Offline Amanda (mad4moggies)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #32 on: October 18, 2007, 21:35:29 PM »
I have to say that i am a bit shocked by the way the vets have handled this. I would have thought that if they had concerns over her hips as well then they would have kept her in for observation. Did they say in what way they have concerns about her hips?? You mentioned that she walks a little way and then rests for a long time so i wonder if there has been some sort of injury to her pelvis. Is she going to the toilet normally?

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #31 on: October 18, 2007, 13:44:49 PM »
Hang in there, the waiting is the worst bit, she's in good hands  :hug:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #30 on: October 18, 2007, 13:40:12 PM »
Nothing to tell me yet apparently.

So i'm waiting and i'm trying so hard to be patient.
RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #29 on: October 18, 2007, 13:23:05 PM »
I hope it went well  :hug: :hug:


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