Author Topic: upset tummies  (Read 7268 times)

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #41 on: October 15, 2007, 13:00:18 PM »
For so far they seem to be slowly improving with the RC sensitivity so I am going to keep trying it for a little longer as I am afriad to make them worse by constantly changing their foods. If I don't see a marked improvement soon I am going to order some of the vet RC from the links you guys have given me.

Thanks so much - I really appreciate everyone's suggestions.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #40 on: October 14, 2007, 10:19:55 AM »
I have used the RC sensitvity wet, but not dry. Good luck with them, and I hope you can find a solution soon.
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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #39 on: October 10, 2007, 16:10:18 PM »
Hi, I think a long term treatment's going to be with the right food (when you find it) - I've always used Hills i/d for tummy problems. A short term therapy for diarrhoea is Diarsanyl paste (they hate it so it has to go into the mouth direct  :sick:).  It binds and settles the tum, especially if there's gas causing pain as well. Think you can only use it for 3 consecutive days though.

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #38 on: October 09, 2007, 22:14:06 PM »
well it seems may have some good news at last. We have had no runny poos for a few days and had put it down to the steroids. By last night the little pack of Royal Canine Sensible had just about run out and had to use a little more of the nutro than had since weekend. we had some runnier poos again this morning. They only finished the steroids tonight so as no change in steroid can only assume it was the nutro that did the harm. went out first thing and bought a larger bag of the RC Sensible and have fed it today so keeping fingers crossed it will work.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #37 on: October 05, 2007, 14:04:18 PM »
Where can you get Orijen - haven't seen or heard of that one?

Zooplus sell it.

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #36 on: October 05, 2007, 10:20:09 AM »

Thing is, LactoB is a powder, so easier to sprinkle on wet food than dry, - your'e giving them dry at the moment is that right? I don't know, I think I would wait and see what effect steroids have, but trouble is, symptoms will probably reappear once the course is finished.

Yep - I feed Nutro Choice Complete dry food. I bought a small bag of Royal Canin for Sensitive stomachs and fussy eaters yeterday (just pet shop not vet variety as vet has none in yet) and mixed it in with some Nutro. Heidi loved it but Huxley didn't seem too impressed. I am going to have to change all 4 of them onto the new diet as Huxley keeps pushing into Bronte and Dino's bowls. They are no worse for it but then that may be the steroids keeping things at bay.

Where can you get Orijen - haven't seen or heard of that one?

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2007, 16:19:09 PM »
Yes Gillian - they love it. 

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2007, 16:15:50 PM »
The best foods are ones without cereals or grains - unfortunately all dry foods contain these

Orijen is grain free  ;D

Aha! perhaps I should have said NEARLY all dry foods contain these LOL! Have your cats tried Orjen Susanne? did they like it?

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2007, 16:14:17 PM »
Thanks everyone so much for the tips. I tried the yoghurt but no change and then was going to try the Lacto B depending on test results. Now I have another dilemma - do I try the Lacto B and not change their diet, change their diet and not do Lacto B or do both? I am thinking that if I do both I won't know which thing worked.

Gillian my vet did say the same thing and they are only getting the steroid for 3 days - 2 days of 1/2 tablet each twice a day and then one day of 1/2 tablet each once a day

Thing is, LactoB is a powder, so easier to sprinkle on wet food than dry, - your'e giving them dry at the moment is that right? I don't know, I think I would wait and see what effect steroids have, but trouble is, symptoms will probably reappear once the course is finished.

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2007, 15:23:29 PM »
Thanks everyone so much for the tips. I tried the yoghurt but no change and then was going to try the Lacto B depending on test results. Now I have another dilemma - do I try the Lacto B and not change their diet, change their diet and not do Lacto B or do both? I am thinking that if I do both I won't know which thing worked.

Gillian my vet did say the same thing and they are only getting the steroid for 3 days - 2 days of 1/2 tablet each twice a day and then one day of 1/2 tablet each once a day

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2007, 12:30:48 PM »
The best foods are ones without cereals or grains - unfortunately all dry foods contain these

Orijen is grain free  ;D

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2007, 12:22:02 PM »
Here is another food that might be worth trying - Forza 10

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Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2007, 12:11:29 PM »
So now we are down to diet. My vet was away on a course at the weekend and she said they dealt a lot with IBS and the main treatment they are using for it now is a combination of a certain antibiotic and a steroid.

Then the next thing is to try some different food.

Antibiotics and steroids arent really a suitable long term treatment for IBS - and steroids should definitely not be used long term. Both antibiotics and steroids are suppressive - so all they do is suppress the symptoms, not cure, as your vet said. As you say diet is important - have you tried the high meat content wet foods? The best foods are ones without cereals or grains - unfortunately all dry foods contain these (and many wet foods), so something like natures menu, bozita.

I would also try the Lacto b probiotic as Susanne suggested - probiotics can really help. Slippery Elm Bark is also worth a try.

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2007, 11:15:09 AM »
Vet is getting me some samples of Royal Canine to try - the sensitive stomach one and the digestive tract one but said that these ones can only be bought from vet - not available in shops. Has any one used them and any success?

I've not tried the Royal Canin one before but the Hills digestive version (i/d tins) is fabulous stuff and I always keep a few tins in just in case.

VetUK will probably have the prescriptions foods cheaper than your vet once you have found one that works and that the cat likes.
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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2007, 11:09:20 AM »
Have you tried the lacto b?  I've used yogurt and a probiotic from vetuk, but neither worked as well as the lacto b.

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2007, 10:16:37 AM »
If it is a case of IBS, then it will probably be trial and error in treating it, much the same as in humans I would think.

As a sufferer myself, there's a very fine balance a lot of the time between feeling fine, and having an upset tum, and it can be the tiniest thing which upsets the balance.

Once you find the balance though, it is a little easier to maintain a stable tum.

Hopefully other peeps will have some direct experience in cats as well  :shy:

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Offline sixfurballs

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2007, 10:05:35 AM »
all the test results came back negative so no specific treatment that can be given. So now we are down to diet. My vet was away on a course at the weekend and she said they dealt a lot with IBS and the main treatment they are using for it now is a combination of a certain antibiotic and a steroid. They had the antibiotic a couple of weeks ago so now they are going to get the steroid although vet says it in itself is no cure may just help settle them.

Then the next thing is to try some different food. Vet is getting me some samples of Royal Canine to try - the sensitive stomach one and the digestive tract one but said that these ones can only be bought from vet - not available in shops. Has any one used them and any success? I bought a small bag of RC sensitive stomach in pet shop this morning and am going to try a little of it mixed in with the Nutro.

When she said this I had forgotten that we had to go through something similar with Dino when he was a kitten. He has a very sensitive stomach and for a while we had to purchase a Hills that was only available through vet, then we weaned him on to some of the pet shop Hills and then eventually on to a different brand. Now he is fine as long as he does not get too much wet food.

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2007, 17:16:31 PM »
Keeping everything crossed that the results show something which can be easily treated.

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Offline sixfurballs

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Re: upset tummies
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2007, 17:06:20 PM »
well Heidi and Huxley's test results are in and I have been asked to go to the clinic to chat about them. Bit scared, we have only had them for 4 weeks but they are already such a huge part of the family.Their poos have still not firmed up and now one of the 4 is being sick (very watery so hoping just furballs) and I don't know which one as haven't caught them doing it. Keep your fingers crossed please :scared:

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2007, 20:07:59 PM »
on the introduction side of things some good developments - Dino and Huxley lay beside each other under the fish tank for a sleep this evening and this morning Bronte let Huxley touch noses with her. ;D

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2007, 22:14:37 PM »
well samples have gone of for analysis and have to wait approx 1 week for test results. In meantime vet agreed trying a probiotic would be a good idea but she suggested just trying them with some natural yoghurt - Heidi and Huxley just sniffed it and walked off and so far Dino has eaten all of it  :rofl:

EDIT: this morning both Heidi and Huxley ate some of the yoghurt so fingers crossed it helps.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2007, 10:02:10 AM by fourfurballs »

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2007, 12:17:41 PM »
Lacto B is a powder that you mix into the food.  I think it's tasteless.  Jaffa has no problem eating food with it added.

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2007, 12:15:57 PM »
ok so Heidi and Huxley are off to vet again this evening to see about probiotic and sending off sample for analysis as back to full on runny poop :(

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2007, 20:31:13 PM »
I didn't know that about antibiotics - thank goodness none of my others have reacted to them like that before. I am going to look into the prebiotics once I know if this is them finished with the antibiotics. I don't have those little things for the pills as I never heard of them before joining here and they would finish the pills before I could get them delivered. However, I think I might get some in stock for a "just in case".

Can you also tell me how the probiotic (Lact-B) is administered?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 16:00:05 PM by fourfurballs »

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2007, 15:03:39 PM »
Unfortunately after a couple of days of more solid poos Huxley is now back to runny poo and they are now orange and runnier than before. His antibiotics finish tomorrow so if no better by morning will have to call vet again. I am just hoping that I upset the balance of his tummy - I squashed his tablet into the tiniest piece of cheese a few days ago as they are an absolute nightmare to get into them (they are coughing and spitting them up and are still getting them up 5 minutes after you think they are gone).

Unlikely to be the cheese, its more likely to be the antibiotics themselves that are causing the runny poos, its quite common, as the antbiots kill all the good bacteria as well as the bad, thats why its a good idea to start the probiotic as soon as the course finishes. Have you tried the de-furrum treats to put the pills in?

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2007, 12:18:56 PM »
Well the latest is that Heidi has now started hissing badly at Bronte and Bronte actually seems to be backing down form her - Bronte is more than twice the size of Heidi and am really surprised by this turn. I was going to start letting Bronte out during the day from Saturday but not sure what to do now :doh:

Heidi's tummy seems to have settled down. Unfortunately after a couple of days of more solid poos Huxley is now back to runny poo and they are now orange and runnier than before. His antibiotics finish tomorrow so if no better by morning will have to call vet again. I am just hoping that I upset the balance of his tummy - I squashed his tablet into the tiniest piece of cheese a few days ago as they are an absolute nightmare to get into them (they are coughing and spitting them up and are still getting them up 5 minutes after you think they are gone). I hope that it was just the cheese that upset him and that nothing worse than that is wrong with him. I am hoping as well that it is a good sign that Heidi seems to be ok now.

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2007, 22:54:26 PM »
Pleased their is good news about the introductions and that Bronte is getting better  ;D

Hope their little tums clear up soon.

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2007, 18:57:30 PM »
they have to finish off the original antibitotics but have also been started on a new batch for 5 days. If still no improvement vet is going to send a sample off to the lab. She really though first lot would have done it as they seem so well and happy in every other way.

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2007, 14:53:02 PM »
the worming liquid is all finished now and the antibiotics are due to finish tomorrow but their tummies are still unsettled so vet has asked to see them again this evening. However, no more bloody poops so at least that is an improvement.

This would be a good time to give them a probiotic now that their antibitoics are finished - to re-establish the good gut bacteria, and would help their upset tummies, ask your vet for one, or get lacto b online

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2007, 14:38:49 PM »
the worming liquid is all finished now and the antibiotics are due to finish tomorrow but their tummies are still unsettled so vet has asked to see them again this evening. However, no more bloody poops so at least that is an improvement.

As for the introductions things are progressing. The 4 of them are all eating, sleeping and other bodily functions in the same room and so far no blood shed although all are glad to get let out of the utility room in the morning. Bronte is no longer hiding or skulking about although she does still hiss if the kittens get too close to her when they are full swing boisterous play.

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2007, 23:10:49 PM »
Pleased vet thinks they OK  ;D

Sorry dont know the answer about escalation and you will just have to see what happens.

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2007, 09:42:26 AM »
Checked with CPL and they said no history of upset tums.

Vet thinks started off just stress of move etc etc but that they may have little infection in bowel. She said they also felt quite gassy. So she gave them some very strong liquid wormer which they detest and even though I wrapped them in towel to administer it this morning Heidi still managed to get one leg out and scratched hand of me! They are also on a course of antibiotics and only getting dried food. There were some solid poos at bedtime last night but still a runny one this morning but no blood.

I don't know what the liquid wormer is called but have never seen such a reaction - actually spitting it across the room, holding it in mouth and not swallowing, hissing, clawing. vet says it must be really foul as all cats react in same way to it.

Anyway, Heidi and Huxley are in great form, chasing and playing and full of joys of spring.

Even though Heidi looks very thin vet says she is healthy weight and just a small cat. Vet said they are both very healthy apart from tums, good coats, good heartbeat etc etc so that is all good news.

Dino has nuzzled noses with Huxley and Heidi now but still occasionally hissing. Bronte is still hissing and growling but is wandering wherever she wants to around house now. She asked to go out this morning but still not sure whether to let her out.

For the first time last night Heidi growled back at Bronte and Huxley hissed back at Dino. Is this a sign that they now feel that this is their territory or are things escalating between them?

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2007, 00:41:32 AM »
How did the vet visit go?

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2007, 08:45:00 AM »
yes they are all chipped. I have got an ID tag on her as well and have put a note in a barrel tag to say she is owned and not to be taken in or fed but not happy to rely on it so will do as you suggest and put a note on her collar as well.

I did let Dino and Bronte come and go for the first day and kept Heidi and Huxley to the utility room and then the kitchen before letting Bronte and Dino near them. However as soon as she got near utility room door Bronte must have caught their scent and that was it - she went to the dining room and didn't come out for a day. That is when I got worried that she might be so upset she would not come back. I am keeping Heidi and Huxley to the utility room at night.

Bronte is very independent. She does not always come when you call her, when she does she will not always come right up to but lie down and wait for you to walk up to her and even then sometimes she gets up and walks away just as you get to her. Everything has to be on her terms :shy:

Bronte is still hissing at Heidi and Huxley and even still telling Dino off occassionally. However, I have seen a vast imrpovement in her relationship with Dino over the last few days. She is a bit braver and will come out to H&H and does not run away when she sees them. She doesn't even hiss every time. Dino is not hissing at Huxley and even touched noses with him twice yesterday but is still hissing at Heidi.

Am hoping the Feliway will arrive today and maybe it will help!

I am so worried - Heidi and Huxley are going to vets this evening as still having runny poo and just found a new one with blood in it :'(
« Last Edit: September 10, 2007, 12:42:35 PM by fourfurballs »

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2007, 00:09:17 AM »
Yes we have oil heating here too...........flaming expensive it is too grrrrrrr.

are your cats chipped, cos this would be a proof of ownership if Bronte was being fed somewhere else.  You could put a paper collar on her, saying please do not feed she is has health problem.

I think the introductions should be completed fully before doing anything else about Bronte, if you have been keeping her in, however I suspect you should have allowed her to have her normal life and restricted the newcomers.

She will be angry that the newbies have come into her territory and if she isnt having her normal life will think that she has done something wrong, especially if she was nervous before.

I have to say I got two birmans about 6 months after the big cats and the 4 just do not like each other at all. But they live in the same house moreorless peacefully as long as someone does not deliberately try to steal someone elses normal place. They were introduced very carefully but even so it was not totally susccessful.

Wizzs instructions to me and for me as for you, it was too late! but the newbies need to be kept in one room until they are happy and must not meet the other cats. Then when they are happy in that room they should be moved to another and the residents allowed to visit the other room minus newbies. Once they are all happy and the residents will go in and out of that room, then you repaet with another room, until newbies have seen every room in house and residents have experienced newbies scent in every room.

Then comes time for the cats to meet under supervision. As long as they do not fight and there are no more than minor hisses fine but if they start fighting then you need to start all over again with intros from the beginning.

Mine met by accident on the first day snd it was immediately growls and hisses and running and hiding by my resident cats and the birmans who were much older were fully confident in every room immediately and one of them used to dig up the carpet behind the door at night, and I would not be able to get back in!!!!!!!!!!!! I resolved that but my prob was that residents were nervous to start with and newbies confident, notr the best partnership  and its never worked purrrrrrfectly but it works within reason.

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2007, 23:25:53 PM »
thanks for all the tips and the links were really good. I am already doing some of the stuff listed and I think the Iams wet food probably is quite rich but my Dino has a very delicate stomach and he cannot tolerate Whiskas or Felix but he can stomach Iams so I hoped it would be ok for Heidi and Huxley to adjust to. The Nutro also claims to be a meat rich complete dry food. My vet doesn't stock Feliway but checked with their suppliers and have ordered it for me. Supposed to come in tomorrow so fingers crossed. I also have a 3-tier scratching post, a radiator bed, one of the sleeping bag style hidey beds and an ordinary cat bed. I have put 2 litter trays in 2 different rooms and have separate food and drink bowls. I am going to call the vet tomorrow and take H&H in for a check up. With 4 cats and 5 guinea pigs they know me well so should be able to get in tomorrow.

I have a larger cat bed and a second one level scratching post as well but have so far left those in the garage as I am letting Dino out during the day and that way he has somewhere to go if he doesn't want to come back into the house. So far I am keeping Bronte in 24/7. She is the biggest problem. She is quite nervous but at the same time a bit of a bully. It has also been Bronte who lashes out first or hisses first but I always suspected it was because she is quite nervous. She also rambles a lot during the day and is very independant. My hubby and I have been worried recently that someone else is feeding her and taking her in. For all these reasons I am afraid that if I let her out now I will never see her again. My thoughts are to keep her in a little longer and give her more time to adjust to Heidi and Huxley. What do you think?

PS - should explain that we have a double garage and I live in N Ireland so here heating is by oil central heating and the boiler for it is in the garage so gets nice and warm. The cat flap was already in the garage door when we moved in and as my lot are very keen roamers we use that for their beds and food and then they just come and knock at a window or door when they want to come into the house.

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2007, 20:48:01 PM »
Apart from checking with a vet I would also go back to what they were fed at CP fior the present.

I dont know about whats in the new food you are giving them but if its high in meat it maybe too rich for them.

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2007, 20:08:19 PM »
Hi fourfurballs &  :welcome: to Purrs

I agree with the others, the most likely cause is the upheaval combined with change of food but it's always best to get these sorts of things checked out at the vets.  With regards the introductions side of things, that link Christine posted to is excellent adive - Wizz runs an animal rescue and is also an animal behaviouralist so it really is top advice.  There's also a section on her site about 'multi-cat' households that might be interesting for you

 :1st place: on your new arrivals, how lovely that you chose two and that  H & H can stay together  :)

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2007, 15:02:51 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs, fourfurballs.  Call it feminine intuition, but I reckon I know why you chose that name  ;)

I would do as Pinkbear suggests.  It is probably just the upheaval and change of diet upsetting Heidi and Huxley, but better to be completely sure.

Pretty definitive hints on introductions can be found at

Look forward to hearing more about your feline family.
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Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Re: new cats and upset tummies
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2007, 14:48:44 PM »
A chat with the vet wouldn't do any harm and it's always best to get professional advice.

Also ask the CP when they were wormed. If they've been wormed on the way out of care, it could be that is the cause. But the change of diet will also have an effect.

Good luck and well done for taking on 2 rescue cats.  ;)


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