I just wanted to say to DiddyDawn, Teresa, and all you peeps who go out trapping regularly, I'd go crazy if I had your workload.
I've only been sorting out this feral colony for four days and I'm knackered. And that's only doing it mornings and afternoons. If I had to sit there all night I'd go spare...
I seem to get all the 'wrong' cats first and I keep missing the ones I know for sure are pregnant. There's a queen who keeps leaving her 5 day old babies all over the field and I worry she's not taking care of them well enough... but if I take them, I'd have to feed them every 2 hours and I'm exhausted as it is. And the wee baby I caught (6 weeks but very small) cries all the time and I can't sleep.
Then there's running them to the vet. Picking them up after. Trying to get the traps to work properly 'cos most of them have a hair spring and go off in a breeze...
And I'm not moaning because I am dead lucky. I am going to get some help soon - people have offered to take over once in a while if I show them what to do... but you don't get that help.
How do you do it?