Sooooo where did that name come from, is she a persian,, how old etc goodness its trying to get blood from a stone!
Gwyngala is Cornish for September, she will be known affectionately as Gwyn probably! She's a seal tabbypoint persian and she's 13 weeks old. Wasnt planning to have another cat so soon after losing Suzie - and certainly didnt really NEED another one LOL! BUT....I happened to look at her breeder's website (its been in my favourites for years!) and saw that there were 2 tabbypoints in this particular litter, one already booked. So I just enquired - and it kind of snowballed......hmmm, you know how it is? LOL!
Then Jasper suddenly was poorly and I thought he was going downhill like Suzie, making it a bit of an expensive and difficult time, so I decided against having the kitten. However Jasper bounced back and is fine again now, the lovely breeder contacted me again to say that the lady who had already booked one kitten was travelling to pick her kitten up today - and if I still thought I'd like to have Gwyn, she would bring her too (and I can pay for her as and when -
) - Well what's a girl to do?......
So, (are you still with me LOL!) her breeder lives in Cornwall, she was going to a cat show in Taunton, the lady who was having the other kitten picked both kittens up from Taunton, took them both home to her home in Gloucester, then I picked my girl up from Gloucester, then travelled home to Wiltshire - so she is a WELL travelled little girl today!!
Anyway, thats the story, she's purring for England and I hadnt remembered that kittens could be so heavy footed - its sounds like a herd of elephants are in that room LOL!