My 5 month Bengal girl is just plain bonkers...
I have other babes but none with the gusto & busy busy busy, what can I pinch now & add to my secret stash, lets not any of the others have 'my' toys ~ they are 'ALL' mine... open a drawer open a cupboard even unpacks the shopping to get either meat or a nice piece of cake. She chases round at the speed of light shouting all the way.. upstairs downstairs, outside, then comes in & bites my toes & runs off again! She hides in wait to stalk the others then jump on with the occasional shreak.. then chase chase chase.
She makes me laugh so much that I ache & tears run down my face. I'm laughing now... just thinking of the things she does. I laugh in the car & out & about. I know I'm a mad 'cat woman' but this feeling of euphoria & happy hormones can only be shared by cat slaves.
I live on my own & family dont share these feelings of obssesive cat talk!
Thats better!! Off loaded now!
Does anyone else get like this?