Author Topic: To all peeps with indoor cats  (Read 4702 times)

Offline Queen-Penguin

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #31 on: September 04, 2007, 14:33:22 PM »
Menue used to go outside with her previous owner, but when she came here, she didnt/doesnt even attempt to go outside (apart from one time when she was on heat, she hasnt tried it since!). I sometimes do worry about the hygeine around the litter tray as litter tends to get kicked everywhere and sometimes she hangs her bum over the side of the tray when going for a number 2...  :tired: A little bleach sorts it out in no time.

She has stopped molting atm but when she was, fur was to be found everywhere! I had to take down my blue curtains in the end as they were covered in ginger fur!!

I worry too much to let her out. I have lost too many cats in RTA's and its too traumatic to think of going through it all again. She is a happy cat and very demanding, but I don't mind that! I just think an indoor cat is a safer option. If I did have a garden, I would make sure it was cat proof or failing that, a cat run or something would be needed!
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Offline Leanne

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #30 on: September 04, 2007, 13:58:33 PM »
Jess is an indoor kitty, he has never been out and because he is so nervous I don't think he would survive if he did. We walk him in the garden but he wears a harness and with a lead and many noises startle him and he then runs indoors.

Our house isn't smelly or unclean, Jess's hair gets everywhere but then so does mine  :Crazy:

Jess is a happy and heathly kit kat at the end of the day and thats all thats important

Offline Rosiecat

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #29 on: September 04, 2007, 13:39:35 PM »
I don't feel guilty about keeping my cats in - I know the dangers of outside, they don't.  Pickles has access to the outdoors but is brought in before dusk - he spent 7+ years having free access to the outdoors so was not happy being kept in 24/7.  It was not an easy decision to make though and I do worry about him.

My house is clean - I am a bit fussy and clean every day but don't lose sleep over the odd bit of fluff  :evillaugh:

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2007, 11:22:29 AM »'s only not clean if you don't clean things, I would think! ;) Don't listen to your mother in law on that score. And if you live on a really busy road, I don't blame you for not letting your cats out.  :hug: I'm sure you do what's best for your mob!

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Offline Ela

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #27 on: September 04, 2007, 11:12:58 AM »
They are ALWAYS right in thier opinion !

A bit like some of us then ;D

Offline lisa77

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2007, 11:12:11 AM »
Yeah sounds about right ! I remember when my cousin & I went to see my Nonna. Her sister said my cousin looked like a mountain in Italian (she is quite a large lady)  They defo dont hold back on what they think !

Offline Ela

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2007, 11:11:55 AM »
she's Italian Ela, and I there does seem to be a different attitude to animals, not just her but everyone I have met, dogs live outside chained up, cats aren't neutered.  It

I have been told that before and my husband desperately wants to go to Italy an I have refused for that very reason, however on a number of times other people who go and indeed our best friend have said that where they go in Italy they have never seen dogs chained up, and try to persuade me to go, but I am not taking the risk, I know I would spend the whole holiday in tears.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2007, 11:09:09 AM »
well it is the whole family when I go over there, they are great people but on animal welfare we will never agree!!!!!  Funny thing is the farming methods are much more humane than here.  They've just got me down as a funny english girl but that's ok! (they also notice even the slightest weight gain, but thats another story!!!!)

Offline lisa77

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2007, 11:06:02 AM »
indeed Italians have their funny ways & views! I come from a large Italian family.. Where my Nonna lives there are stray cats & dogs everywhere - even kittens & puppies.

You will never win with a strong minded Italian - They are ALWAYS right in thier opinion ! (Just count yourself lucky that its only 1 you have to deal with !!!)

 :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2007, 09:57:56 AM »
she's Italian Ela, and I there does seem to be a different attitude to animals, not just her but everyone I have met, dogs live outside chained up, cats aren't neutered.  It is a semi rural area so that might make a difference but they have very odd ideas when I asked someone once why every time I visited the cat was pregnant they said was ok because the maid took away the kittens and dealt with them.  I have to say this wasn't an isolated incident I can think of a particular family that I have refused to continue visiting because I feel so strongly about the way the dog is treated, it has literally been driven mad by being left in solitute in a pen for years.  It might be that I am just unlucky with the people we know over there and I'm sure there are caring pet owners but I wouldn't say it was a general attitude and everyone who hears we have four cats living inside has registered their horror at how dirty our house must be

Offline Ela

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2007, 09:43:10 AM »
but i put it down to her being foreign!!  She thinks all animals should live outside and totally freaks when she sees them on the bed ha ha

Treading on thin ice there me thinks. Although I sort of know what you mean. however in the countries I go to Switzerland Germany Belgium & Austria many people treat their pets at least as good as some of us if not better. Also many  are kept as indoor only. I think in the 3 weeks or so we are there if I see a handful of cats I am lucky.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 11:09:13 AM by Ela »

Offline Dawn F

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2007, 09:20:24 AM »
mothers in law are meant to be a pain, if it wasn't your cleanliness is would be using not defrosting the freezer - mine stays with us for one month a year (she's arriving on saturday!!!) but i put it down to her being foreign!!  She thinks all animals should live outside and totally freaks when she sees them on the bed ha ha

Offline LeighK

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2007, 09:09:44 AM »
Hi Littlebobo,

Well here's my sixpennyworth :)

All my cats are indoor cats for mixed reasons, Alfie and Frankie because of them being FiV+ and Suzie because she likes it that way and, at 17 Y.O and adopted so  late in life, she's very timid and sleeps a lot.

As I'd always had outdoor cats in the past I did wonder how things were going to work out and if cats could live happy lives exclusively indoors. All of them had been outdoor cats to one degree or another, Suzie, my mum's cat had lived 16 years as an outdoor cat but took to the indoor lifestyle without any problems, I guess as a senior "catizen" she's happy to have warmth, security and comfort and has never even tried to go out. From what I know of Alfie's history, which isn't that much really, he was certainly a stray and had therefore experienced the outside world for a while but I think that he was originally a "flat-cat". He's only once dashed out onto the landing of the house (converted into flats) and he promptly turned around and rushed back in. He rarely expresses any interest in trying to get past me as I enter or leave and seems happy with his domain. Frankie, of whom I know even less background wise, was certainly an outdoor cat but, like the others, he doesn't seem at all interested in going out. I try and make their habitat as fun and interesting as possible and they seem to delight in one another's company when I'm out.

As for hygiene considerations I'm pretty sick of all the rubbish that gets preached nowdays regarding the "germ-free" bubble we're all encouraged to live in. As kids we grew up exposed to all sorts of germs, I had all the childhood illnesses, Measels, German Measels, Mumps, Chicken Pox and the like. Our house was clean but we didn't use the army of household disinfectants that you see advertised today. I keep the flat clean but deliberately avoid using most of these products and, considering that the boys have FiV and Suzie is in her ripe old age we all manage to stay germ resistant, in fact the thing that sets Alfie's conjunctivitis off, I discovered, is any air borne spray such as insecticide, air freshener etc. so I won't give them shelf room. As we all know, accidents aside, cats are extremely clean creatures, Alfie makes me feel guilty when he licks my arms as if to say, "Only one shower a day, that's simply not good enough" :).

I'll readily admit that I do enjoy the peace of mind for their safety that having indoor cats brings as, myself included, we all know the heartache of RTAs but, if I thought for one moment that any of them weren't happy in their lifestyle then I'd have a long hard think as their happyness is of paramount importance but maybe we have all "bonded" well and enjoy each other's company and that has formed the basis of a contented lifestyle if you'll forgive the flowery terminology.


« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 09:21:52 AM by LeighK »
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Offline Ela

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2007, 08:24:41 AM »
Do you ever feel guity about your cats

Not at all I know the implications of letting my cats out, they are unable to take on board that information.

or worry about the hygiene of your house

Please don't go there ;D ;D ;D ;D I am sure many members will understand why.

Offline LittleLijah

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2007, 08:12:34 AM »
For what it's worth I think you've made the right decision....surely keeping them in and safe is better than letting them out where they could potentially get injured or worse on a busy road.

Louis is kept in because he is FIV+ and at 8 has been used to going outside....I don't think he misses it at all and has plenty of toys to play with/destroy!!!


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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2007, 22:36:03 PM »
well you know you cant win really

i let moomin go out cause i tried keeping her in and she rips the place to bits and pushed wndows open even jumps out of upstirs windows , hides when somone knocks at the front door and then when i open it dashes out when i tried keeping her in she got deprssed and even the vet said it was prob hat she needs to be outside

so i let her out and i then worry all the time if shes not home on time

i keep mango and luna in i hate litter trays and clean and empty them twice a day but we have built a outside run so they can get fresh air and made it quite big for then to have space to climb and play

whatever you decide you will feel guilty , have a nice run built ( oh but thats anouther litter tray in there too )

Offline furballmom

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2007, 22:03:54 PM »
Well said if we lived the same did the same things we might as well be robots remeber we are all unique tell the stuck up  :censored: to keep her nose out and please don't feel guilty.

Offline lucy

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2007, 22:01:08 PM »
My previous cats all went  out, not sure about the new kitten yet as last cat lost in road accident. However I DO know about picky mothers in law! Ignore it - it is not her house. I find making a crack about her age warns my one off quite well! :evillaugh: Her hygiene standards verge on obsessive / compulsive  - mine shall we say don't. Accept we are all different, make different choices and be comfortable with yours!


Offline Ann Clarke (Tabby cat)

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2007, 21:37:12 PM »
I have two indoor cats because I live near a bypass so no way would I let them out. Dylan was 4 when he came to me and he was picked up as a stray so he has been outside before but since the day I got him 4 years ago he's never once tried to get out, far too fond of his home comforts  :rofl: Hobbes has been with me since he was 10 weeks old so he's never been outside and he shows no sign of wanting to go out. Like yours they have loads of toys and they have the run of the house so they go where they want, including waking me up at 4am for a cuddle  :rofl: and I try and spend quality time with them when I'm not at work. They are both happy and healthy as I'm sure yours are and at least I know they are safe. Oh and I have 3 litter trays and my house doesn't smell as they are regularly cleared and cleaned out. Your MIL is just being daft so just ignore her.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2007, 21:37:47 PM by Ann Clarke (Tabby cat) »

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2007, 21:19:32 PM »
They'll soon let you know if you are falling down on the job!! Trust me, Smidgen gives very clear messages indeed :Luv:

Offline furballmom

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2007, 20:55:22 PM »
the only thing that i sometimes feel guilty about is me thinking i don't spend enough time with them. iguess its cos i'm working and studying as well

Offline Sabrina (Auferstehen)

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2007, 20:36:06 PM »
I've got 5 cats in the house at the moment and all are indoor. Harely & Quinn were born and lived 12 weeks in someones garden, and they do not miss it ;)

Too happy eating everything in sight to be out of doors.

My lot have never seen the outside and Lirael is way too friendly to ever go outside as she would walk up to everyone.

Don't feel guilty, you know if your cats are unhappy or not and that's what matters!

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2007, 20:22:24 PM »
I don't feel guilty, no.  I've made a choice - to live with cats despite living near a busy road and therefore to keep them as indoor cats.   Having made that choice I dont' dwell on what I'm not giving them.  I don't feel guilty because neither of them have ever been outside, so while they may look out of the window and try to get at birds etc that fly past, I try not to put my human interpretation onto it and think "oh, he wants to be out".  I just concentrate on making them happy, indoor kitties. 

My flat doesn't smell either.  At least not of cats  ;D  I am conscious of smells as I live in a small flat and have no filter for the cooker so it's very easy for the flat to smell to fill with stale cooking smells.  I keep the litter tray clean and know that doesn't smell.  I've had people sit only inches from it and not realise.  I certainly don't get a kitty smell when I walk in the door after being at work all day (just a few kitty headbutts  ;D )

Offline Littlebobo

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2007, 20:15:22 PM »
Thanks guys :wow:

Stupid women actually said that when i have children i will have to let her have them GET REAL grrrrrrr >:( >:(
Fuss me Fuss me ..Come on I have things to do like Eating and sleeping !

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2007, 20:07:20 PM »
Lisa don't stress about this. Lexy is indoor, she is terrified of the outdoors, still no idea why. I am hoping that I can have a garden like Tan's and CC's someday where I can let her out into a protected garden with no way of her getting out or other cats/etc getting in.  It's hard work keeping her entertained but she is a happy cat and full of energy at ungodly hours. I sometimes do feel a little guilty because a part of me wants to give her a more entertaining environment than I provide now.

But, the up side is that Lexy is healthy, my house NEVER smells .. well apart from when she goes to the litter tray and for 30 mins after that  :evillaugh: , but as BC says you just have to be dilligent about hoovering and keeping the areas your cats "live" in clean.  Lexy's litter tray in my living room.. only because its the only place I can put it where I can keep an eye on her and have enough room for it.

Your MIL can have her own opinion, doesn't mean she is right..  :hug:

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2007, 20:06:06 PM »
Ignore these people who tell you your're being cruel ... that goes for all of us with indoor cats.

Our puds a loved more than they can understand, they're just being daft for saying things like that.

Anyone who thinks I'm cruel is very welcome to come visit my boy and see just how happy he fact, I know just how close to death row he actually was (being FIV at a time when people did not know as much as they do now), so he certainly happier than he would have been  :Luv:

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2007, 20:01:54 PM »
Just stupid mother in law making me feel bad i think  :-[

It's her job  :P :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2007, 19:58:56 PM »
Thanks for replying guys it makes me feel miles better they have more toys than anything a whole bucket load and da bird which they love 2 cat posts and much more ...Just stupid mother in law making me feel bad i think  :-[
Fuss me Fuss me ..Come on I have things to do like Eating and sleeping !

Offline furballmom

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2007, 19:35:15 PM »
as someone said to me in a post when i was feeling guilty
Circumstances change and we cant always control them 

your cats are probably glad of being able to get in the house as they were left outside so much, dont worry you are doing the best for you bunch
yes i feel guilty at times but at least i know there safe they have plenty of toys and are happy and content

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Re: To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2007, 19:31:14 PM »
With two cats inside at present, and a dog who is indoors whenever I am home, the place can get a little whiffy at times, and also covered in fur. However, good housekeeping and regular cleaning of the litter tray can put paid to that (note to self, remember to do the housekeeping :rofl: :rofl:).

It is most certainly not cruel as indoor cats generally survive for longer and happier lives than their outdoor cousins. They are not exposed to disease and abscesses, nor are the vulnerable to RTA. They are not exposed to the wild fluctuations in temperature that this country seems to specialise in  :rofl:. Having said all of that, if they are not provided with adequate 'enrichment' in the form of interactive toys and options for getting up high in a variety of places, they can be pretty miserable. So tell you MIL to mind her business and get out there any buy da bird!!

Offline Littlebobo

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To all peeps with indoor cats
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2007, 19:26:50 PM »
Do you ever feel guity about your cats or worry about the hygiene of your house ?

Although my cats have more than enough to keep them occupied I do sometimes feel like I am being cruel by not letting them out ..although i have already lost 2 cats I know was definetley an RTA and the road near me keeps getting busier and busier ...

Also if you are reading this and you do home checks what do you look for if you are assessing the area ?

If you are wondering why i am mentioning this it is because i recently got labelled as being cruel to my babes even though i know this is not the case someone ( well my Mother in law) also mentioned it wasn't sanitational  >:(

Fuss me Fuss me ..Come on I have things to do like Eating and sleeping !


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