Author Topic: Cat breeding article.  (Read 2788 times)

Offline Ann Clarke (Tabby cat)

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Re: Cat breeding article.
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2007, 14:38:03 PM »
I think this is a really good article and says it all really. We recently were called by one of the vets we use to ask if we could help as they had a 10 year old female who had been brought in as she was having problems giving birth. This poor cat had had numerous litters and all of them had died as she couldn't feed them. Sadly she had already lost one kitten when in the vets and a second one sadly died despite the vet's best endeavours. The third was a little boy who two of our fosterers hand fed but sadly he only lasted 8 days, very upsetting for all concerned. This owner hadn't had the sense to get her poor cat neutered, goodness knows how many times the poor thing had been preganant and lost her kittens and even that wasn't enough to make them get her done. Thankfully the poor babe won't be having any more traumas as we made sure she was neutered before, unfortunately, we had to give her back.

Offline Borderdawn

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Re: Cat breeding article.
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2007, 13:08:16 PM »
I plan to do one on entire males too, shortly.

I have added a bit more and some pics supplied from here.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cat breeding article.
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2007, 12:27:12 PM »
And when it comes to not neutering males, I think people just don't think about the consequences because they don't have to face them.  On another forum I use there was recently someone who posted asking for advice about feeding their tom cat.  Turns out the cat is 6 years old and not neutered.  Apparently there was a medical problem that prevented his mother from being spayed, and they were concerned the same problem would occur with this male (but I don't think a vet had said there was any reason this male couldn't be neutered).  The poster was obviously a child or young adult as she referred to her parents and said they didn't want to get the cat neutered.  But apparently it was ok because the cat stayed at home a lot more now and hadn't fathered a litter for "several weeks".  I dread to think how many kittens he's fathered in 6 years.

Offline Borderdawn

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Re: Cat breeding article.
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2007, 12:11:30 PM »
Thanks all, I might tweak it a bit, but will certainly be adding more welfare type articles aswell, thanks for your help.

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Cat breeding article.
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2007, 09:08:50 AM »
I don't think it's strongly worded - I think it's written by someone who feels passionately about this subject. And there's certainly nothing wrong with that. Good luck with the campaign.

I have a friend whose friends cat had an "accidental" litter recently. The first thing I asked after she'd told me was "is she getting the mother spayed after she's finished nursing?" I don't think it was what they expected me to say!

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Cat breeding article.
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2007, 23:33:06 PM »
I agree Susanne, I didn't realise just how bad this problem was until I got involved in Cat certainly is an eye opener  :sneaky:

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Cat breeding article.
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2007, 16:26:29 PM »
i think ignorance is a factor - I have fostered for just over 3 years now and you still dont always realise the true extent of things - we dont get asked to take on nearly as many sickly kittens as other people on here do for example. I would play more on the health aspects, such as FIV, FeLV, pyo, various cancers, abscesses, fleas, worms etc. i do hope that people see it and read it, but sadly, the people who frequent the internet reading articles aren't generally the ones we need to tackle, it is Joe Bloggs who can't see anything wrong in letting his male cat wander. I also think early spay/neuter would help a lot, it would cut the amount of 'accidental' pregnancies down an awful lot.
Please spay your cat

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cat breeding article.
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2007, 13:16:55 PM »
I, too, wholeheartedly agree with your article.

A couple of points, however, that it may be worth addressing - you say that it can't be ignorance of the over population.   I do think, to a certain extent, ignorance is a factor.  I've encountered quite a few people on internet forums who have bred their cat or want to and they do seem to be igenuinely ignorant of the extent of the problem.  I think that unless you are involved in rescue or know people who are (such as by frequenting forums like this) most people are totally unaware of just how many homeless cats there are and how many are put to sleep each year.  The facts just aren't out there reaching people unless you are looking for them.  I would say that ignorance is a big factor.  Not in all cases obviously - there are many who just want to make money - but for many people ignorance about the scale of the problem and about the importance of neutering (and not letting your cat outside until it's neutered) are factors.   I wish there were adverts/infomercials on prime time tv about the problem and the importance of neutering pets.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2007, 13:17:26 PM by Susanne (urbantigers) »

Offline Borderdawn

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Re: Cat breeding article.
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2007, 10:50:14 AM »
Thanks all, it infuriates me to see these threads showing these kittens, when all the poster wants is "ahhh how cute" but never I will be testing all the kittens for possible health problems, and the mother too etc... no, the kittens are homed and it comes to light after.  my sister had this, a beautiful chocolate long haired kitten she called "Corky" he was super, but by 18mth he was a very poorly cat and had to be PTS just short of his 3rd birthday.  He was  kitten from an "accidental" litter her neighbour had, not surprisingly the same Cat had 3 further "accidents" before she dissappeared altogether, seeing Corky how he was, never worried them one scrap, and they never had time to get her spayed!   :censored:

Please leave a comment on the site if you can, the more people that see the error of their ways (I will be showing various sites) the better.

Offline blackcat

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Re: Cat breeding article.
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2007, 07:52:13 AM »
Hello BorderDawn, love the wee doggy in the photo at the top of the page. I was a bit concerned when you said you thought itmight be worded a little strongly. I think you have struck just the right note, backed it with facts and figures and have conveyed the message clearly and objectively. Well done.

Offline Ela

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Re: Cat breeding article.
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2007, 07:42:21 AM »
Good luck, and I hope people start taking notice

I second that.

I would like to point out that with Cats Protection you do not have to be  on very low income to receive help, in fact if a millionaire said they would not get their cat 'done' unless they could have a voucher then a voucher they can have. Our Local RSPCA did have a free neutering campaign recently, however I think it was for about a week and goodness knows where they advertised because I did not see it. (When we have one we advertise in a big box in the local 'freebie' for 4 weeks.) Apart from that one occasion I cannot remember them ever offering help towards neutering apart from a £10 voucher they give when people adopt a kitten from them. Whenever people offer ask for a help they always put them on to us.

Cats Protection will also pay the full cost for colonies (6 or more) to be neutered/spayed and nowadays a branch can get extra funds from CP HQ  within minutes.  (No form filling now and waiting weeks for authority).

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Cat breeding article.
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2007, 22:57:42 PM »
I'm really pleased that you're trying to raise awareness of this and I think that everyone on Purrs will agree with your article wholeheartedly  :hug:  I'll sort some piccies out for you as soon as I get chance, I think Lainey was going to send you some that she took whilst she was here but I'll sort out some more.

Good luck, and I hope people start taking notice  :)

Offline Borderdawn

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Cat breeding article.
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2007, 22:19:51 PM »
Hello all.

I have written an article on irresponsible moggy breeding, as I am sick of "accidental" litters being gloated and swooned over on public internet forums, thus condoning and justifying it.  I want to add a couple of pics and include links to any genuine rescues on here if you'd like me too.  Can I ask if anyone has any "poorly kitten" pics or FELV Cats (just for authenticity) that I may show.

The article is here, I KNOW its a bit strong, but I am really upset at the state of these so called responsible owners allowing this to happen.  it can be accessed via the home page.  Please leave a comment if you agree or even if you dont!  The more positive feedback the better, I hope it will stop at least one person from breeding unecessarily.

I will add that I do pest control (rats etc..) with my Terriers, so some pages of my site may not be to everyones taste, just wanted to warn you.  :thanks:
« Last Edit: August 18, 2007, 22:21:37 PM by Borderdawn »


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