Author Topic: grieving cat  (Read 5002 times)

Offline Sabrina (Auferstehen)

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Re: grieving cat
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2007, 14:57:25 PM »
I’m so sorry to hear that Morrissey lost his brother!

Cat’s are like people, they react in different ways.

A friend of ours had two cats, Muffin and William. William passed away due to old age in his sleep. He had a good long life but Muffin was left on her own.

Well around that time we had got our Burmese cat and a few months later we wanted to go to Dublin but wanted someone to watch her. Our friends offered to take her over their house for the 2 days.

Lirael & Muffin got on pretty well (I knew nothing about introducing a new cat!) bit of hissing and all but when Lirael came back home Muffin was crying for her.

Not 2 weeks later our friends had gone out and got two kittens (they’d only wanted one), and Muffin had company again.

Maybe too much as they got another cat a year later;)

Our cat Little Girl passed away when she was being fostered in the US. He brother Penguin slept on her blanket for 2 days pretty much only leaving to eat/use the litter box.

Online Desley (booktigger)

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Re: grieving cat
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2007, 07:36:24 AM »
So sorry to hear of your loss, do give lots of cuddles and keep an eye on his eating habits. RIP little one.
Please spay your cat

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: grieving cat
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2007, 00:04:47 AM »
So sorry to hear of your loss and all I could advise is loys of time and cuddles so that he knows its not his fault  :hug: :hug:

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: grieving cat
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2007, 12:40:36 PM »
Hi and Welcome to Purrs,

Sorry you found us under such sad circumstances  :(

The following links may help:
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 12:43:06 PM by Sam (Fussy_Furball) »
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: grieving cat
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2007, 11:48:41 AM »
 :welcome:  to Purrs!

I'm sorry to hear about Morrissey's brother  :(

Cats vary in how they respond to the loss of another cat.  When my Jaffa lost his brother he grieved for several months, becoming very clingy and not wanting to be in a different room to me.  It took about 2 months for him to start acting normally again, and I think that was as much due to a change of scene over xmas as he was better once he returned home after a xmas break (I took him to my mum's for 10 days as I'd not booked him into the cattery he usually goes to in time).  I now have another cat and they get on fine.

Morrissey may well welcome a new friend but he may just need time to grieve too.  At 18 months the chances are he would get on with a new cat when you feel ready to think about offering a home to another cat. 

Feliway may help as it does reduce stress symptoms.

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: grieving cat
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2007, 11:35:47 AM »
Hi and Welcome to the board

Sorry its under such sad circumstances.
firstly i am so sorry for your loss - and as for the Council  :censored: idiots.

Ok, i have had first hand experience with a grieving cat.
When my ^Storm^ was killed his sister Willow grieved.
She didnt eat for the first week and wouldnt leave the house and she cried alot. She really lost her spark.

Feliway would be good, you can get the plug in from your vet. It will calm her down
I also spoke to my vet about Willow and he offered me some kind of herbal tablet that is for grieving but i didnt go down the path.

It is a proven thing that animals grieve, I think "Time" is what is needed and alot of cuddles.
As for getting another cat.......It could work but then again it might not all depends on Morrissey.

michelle xx

Offline Lesley Frankie

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Re: grieving cat
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2007, 11:03:34 AM »
When our cat Morticia died, Buster would wander about the house looking for her and calling. It was heartbreaking and quite surprising because Morticia wasn't very nice to him at all. She would hiss and swat him every day for 10 years. I think it took about a month before he settled down and all we could do was pay him lots of attention and try to comfort him. Frankly, I don't think that getting another cat would be wrong but I also doubt that it will stop Morrisey grieving, in his own way. Just like people, animals need to be allowed to feel sad at these times and it will take him as long as he needs. :hug:

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Re: grieving cat
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2007, 11:01:41 AM »
HI Mark  :welcome: to Purrs

So sorry for Morrisseys Brother. What was his name? It's an Awful shock to loose a cat suddenly and i have been in that situation twice in the last 2 years so i understand how upsetting it is as well as all the wonderful people on here too.  It's not on that the council do this. We have had this happen before to others  >:( Sadly there is no law for vets or anyone to have to check for id chips.  :( It's horrible and heartless not to check which would take a few seconds with a mobile reader.

I was in the exact same position as you Mark with My Rio who's brother (Ochi) got killed on the road when they were 16 months old. Rio was the same very clingy, crying and def depressed. It upset me even more to see Rio so upset.  As Rio was only 16 mths and always used to cat companionship after 2 weeks we were thinking of adopting another cat for him and fate stepped in with little Gizmo who was abandoned near where i live with other siblings (no mum) in a bag and hand reared by a lovely friend of a friend. So when i heard they were looking for homes i had to have a peek and that was that!!!

I have to say Gizzy did help sooo much but it did take a while for Rio to like and get on with him (about 4/5 weeks) we had to make sure the introductions went very slowly as Rio was scared of little Gizzy who was only 7 weeks old at the time.  Rio hid from him and started spending alot of time outside which was very worrying for me thinking i had made the wrong decision.  We put alot of time into the separation and slow introduction with the fabulous help of a cat behaviourist Wizz over enails and phone. After those weeks rio and Giz were inseparable and Rio was a new cat. They played and slept together is was sooo great to see Rio very happy again.

That's how it was until recently when my darlin Rio was also killed on the same road only 3 weeks ago  :'( :'( :'( :'(   My brain still blocks out thinking of him and it's like i disassociate his name when i write about him from the wonderful fun and loving personality he had.   Giza turned 2 years old the Friday after we lost Rio on the Monday. Back in the same position again with Giz very much being a cat's cat and loved Rio.  

Two weeks ago we heard that my brother in laws new girlfiend had 4 babes ready for homing from a stray mum she took in. The little ones were in excellent health and she and the mum cat looked after them so very well.  Misty is now with Gina and pampered and spayed!! Yahoo!! So along came little Garf! A ginger boy from the litter.
The introduction i wanted to get right from start esp after the last time so Garf went into our bedroom with the plan to introduce slowly. One am on the third day, Garf snuck between my feet as i was walking in and ran straight into Gizz on the landing. Well there was no hissing only interest from both parts!!! OOOO i thought, ok i will try little Garf in a carrier and see how they react. That went very well and Gizzy was very relaxed. So the next day we tried letting them meet each other under supervision. That went well too a couple of hisses from little one and a few nerves with each other but now they are both playing very well together.  ;D ;D ;D So this was a very easy introduction and Giz has a companion again.  ;D

We have taken the very hard decision to keep the two cats indoor / garden only now  (my garden is cat proofed) as that road even though in the country has random traffic  which makes the cats think it's safe to cross but they speed down the 30mph road and together with a fields across the road it's too tempting for the cats and they always cross the road.

So that's me and my lads story so far. I hope that helps a little for your to decide if another companion who be ok for Morrissey. A kitten or a smaller same aged cat would be better to introduce as it's the size of the newbie that matters and also a good personality to match Morrisseys. We can help with the slow introductions and have lots of info in web links for you with step by step guides.  It can help as it has with my two.

But it could also be that a cat left on it's own actually likes to be on his/her own esp if the two didn't really get on and if they are older cats.  That's something you should be able to tell from Morrisseys personality.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 11:05:25 AM by Tan »

Offline Ela

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Re: grieving cat
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2007, 10:14:57 AM »
Welcome to Purrs, I am sorry your first post is about something so sad.

Usually most cats adapt to a new friend remarkably well, If you contact CH HQ via their site they can send you a booklet 'Living in Harmony ' which advises the best way to introduce little ones. or see

« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 10:17:08 AM by Ela »

Offline clarenmax

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Re: grieving cat
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2007, 09:58:03 AM »
I can't help with any advice I'm afraid, but just wanted to say sorry for your loss  :'(

Welcome to Purrs by the way, sorry you didn't find us under happier circumstances, but hopefully there will be loads of great advice on the way for you shortly.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 09:58:57 AM by clarenmax »

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Offline morrissey

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grieving cat
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 09:53:50 AM »
Tragically Morrissey (a 18 month neutered male) lost his brother last week (we won't go into how the Council failed to identify him, check his chip or inform us and put the body in landfill without telling us) and although he seems fine (ish) in himself, he does look a bit lost, has got very friendly and cries quite a bit.

So - what is people's advice / experiences? We don't want him to get lonely, but are worried that a new friend might freak him out - so all ideas appreciated



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