OK, a short introduction of me and mine
I'm 26, housewife and live in Hertfordshire with husband, two cats, a dog and two chinchillas
And I guess you'll be mainly interested in my two cats, so here it goes: Number one is our Diva, Sushi. She's a black shorthair we've got from the RSPCA about 3 1/2 years ago and should be around 8 years old. She is very affectionate, but dislikes men (husband needed two years to be able to touch her without letting blood, and he picked her!
) She's more on the lazy side and loves her cuddles&food, with the occasional play time thrown in.
Number two is D'Artagnan, a little black and white shorthair boy of about 11 months we got from the RSPCA when he was about three months old. He's a little mischief, purrs if you only walk past him and very active
He could play almost all the time, loves to go out in the garden&to play with our dog or with one of the chinchillas he managed to befriend (still haven't figured out how that worked out!
So that's us