I was cooking dinner tonight and it reminded me of a tale which I thought some of you may find amusing. I've read about some of the things folk's furbabes have brought home, but you'll have to go a way to beat this...
Years ago, when the Jumpster was between 3 and 5, he was a bit of a 'geezer'. I would often wake up to find things I didn't buy and didn't recognise. Toy mice, dog chews, he even bought home an aliceband once.
One evening, I was absent-mindedly doing the washing up when I was suddenly aware Jumpster was at me feet. I looked down and he appeared to be bending over a fish's tail. I was horrified as I figured he's been at next door's Koi again! On closer inspection, it turned out to be a whole Mackerel!
Now, the shrewd night think maybe a passing Seagull had dropped it in the garden. But at the time, I was living 40 miles from the nearest coastline and the Seagulls round there hadn't seen a fish for weeks. It puzzled me for days, did that one.
Next week, I was walking along my street when Mrs Brickwood (Small Jack Russell, polishes the Church brasses, makes tea at Age Concern - you know the type) stopped me for a chat.
Mrs Brickwood: "Hello, dear!"
Me: "Hello Mrs Brickwood, how are you?"
Mrs Brickwood: "Not good, dear. I've been under the doctor since last Tuesday..."
Me (stiffling giggle at inuendo): "Oh, dear. What's wrong?"
Mrs Brickwood: "I think I've got that dementia thing. It started on Monday. I remember the phone ringing. I went to answer it. It was my cousin from Leicester. But when I finished talking to her, I went back to the kitchen to start dinner, and it was gone!"
Me: "What was gone?"
Mrs Brickwood: "My nice fresh Mackerel that I'd just bought from Waitrose.... or at least I think I bought it.... Mr Johnston at number 56 said it might have been that cat. You know, the ginger and white one..."
Me: "Er..."
Mrs Brickwood: " Mr Johnson says that cat is a right pest. Always in his house stealing his Tiddle's toys... You must of seen him!"
Me: "Er.. no... I don't think I have."